games-pc championship manager 3 Manual De Usuario

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This screen contains details of your senior squad, together with information of 
your side’s fixtures and past results. It is possible to sort the members of your 
senior squad by various criteria, such as current transfer value by clicking various 
options under the view menu. To view your squad by their playing statistics for the 
season view them by Stats and then select which statistic to view them by choosing 
from the Stats menu. 
With any team there will always be those players who, quite frankly, are not up to the  
standard you have set to make it into your first team squad. For such players there are  
at least the reserves. To view those players in your reserves, click the Reserves option. 
To bring a player into your reserve team click on the Action menu in the top right corner 
of his player screen. To promote a player from the reserves into your group of senior 
players, hit the Promote to Seniors button from the same Action menu on the 
player’s screen.
If managing the affairs of the first team does not provide you with enough work to do,
it is also possible for you to assume full control of your reserve team in much the same 
way as you should be doing with the first team. To take control, click the Control 
Reserve Team option. This can be a useful option if you want to view any first team 
players playing in the less than strenuous reserve team matches and need to go along 
and view the game. To give back control of the reserve team to your reserve team 
manager, click the Don’t Control Reserve option and he’ll take back control from you.
This option brings up the game News screen. Throughout the game, you are presented 
with the very latest news, pertaining to both your club and the world of football in 
general. You are alerted to any new news items by way of a flashing “You have News” 
indicator at the bottom of the menu bar. Previous news items can be viewed from the 
News screen and filtered for the type of news being reported, such as injuries, 
suspensions and transfers.
At the heart of every transfer is the fee that is to be paid for the player. In most 
circumstances, you will have to offer an amount at least equal to the current asking 
price for the player. The degree to which the selling club accepts your offer depends 
on how they view that player’s current and potential contribution to their club. 
Obviously, you are more likely to have to offer an amount far in excess of the asking 
price to tempt a club’s most useful and in-form players. Whilst those players 
languishing in the reserves and on the transfer list may be had for the asking price 
without much in the way of haggling or negotiation over the fee. If you negotiate the 
cash bid, the bid is mulled over for a few days before the club will get back to you via 
your game news.
It is also possible to purchase players using a player exchange in part or full payment 
of the amount owing. To offer a player as exchange in the deal, click the Exchange 
button and you will be presented with a list of your players who you can offer in 
exchange. To include the player in the deal, click the Exchange button at the top left of 
the screen and the name of the player you wish to include. You will then be taken back 
to the bidding screen with details of the amended offer. News of whether your 
proposed exchange is successful will be relayed to you in the normal manner via the 
game news.
If your club has a shortage of immediate cash to complete the deal, it may be possible  
for you to arrange with the selling club to stagger your payments over a specified 
number of months from six months to two years. 
The use of the Sell-On Clause is normally enacted with the sale of a young, but as yet 
unfulfilled player. For such players it may make sense for the player and club to arrange 
a move, but with the proviso that the selling club receives a further payment should 
the player’s new club sell him on later at a profit. If the club selling wishes to make the 
transfer conditional on the inclusion of such a clause the amount can never be higher 
than 25%.
As you make your way round the clubs of
the world, attempting to bring in new faces
to your squad, every other manager in the
world is also doing the same thing and as a
result may attempt to purchase one of your
squad. How you react to other clubs coming
in for your players, depends on two things.
Firstly, your club’s current financial
situation. At the lower end of the league,
the very act of a club coming in for one of
your players can mean the difference
between staying out of the red for another
year. Your other consideration when clubs
express interest in a player of yours is how
much you value or rate the player. 
It is, however, always worth seeing what the offer comprises, regardless of your thoughts on the player, you
never know how desperate someone else is for his services and may pay you accordingly.
For clubs on a low budget or those seeking to find temporary cover for suspended, ineligible or injured players,
the use of loan transfers can be a useful way for managers to get themselves and the club out of a tight spot.
At the Loan Negotiation screen you will be asked for the length of time you wish to loan the player for and the
percentage of the player’s weekly wage that you are prepared to pay. Once you’ve made your offer, the player
and his club will inform you via the game news whether the loan can go ahead.
Each transfer fee can be comprised from a number of different components, below is a complete list of each
possible component.
If you’re ever to achieve any success as a manager, then chances are that you’ll have 
to delve pretty quickly into the transfer market. Using the Player Search option it is 
possible to be able to filter and identify prospect signings. For a fuller description of 
the player search and scouting features go to the section later in this manual entitled 
“Player Search”.
BOARD CONFIDENCE If  you’re going to make a success of managing your club it’s essential that you 
understand what is required of you by your grey-suited masters in the boardroom. 
At any point it is possible to go and get an opinion from your chairman and board of 
directors as to your current progress. At the start of each season, they’ll make it 
clear to you what they require of the team over the course of the coming season. For 
example, as manager of a top club your board may seek, as a minimum, the team’s 
qualification for a European place next season; whereas as a struggling lower-league
side you may merely have to avoid relegation to keep the chairman and his cronies 
happy. Either way be absolutely sure of what you’ve got to do in order to stay in
your job.
The Job Information screen maintains a list of those clubs without, or thinking of being 
without, a current manager. If you’re looking for a new challenge, or think you might 
be out of a job soon, this is the place to look.
The Transfer screen allows you to view, on a month to month basis, all transfers that 
have been completed over the course of the current season.
As time progresses it’s nice to look back over your career and the high and low points 
you’ve met along the way. Clicking the History option provides you with a breakdown 
on your managerial career. Under Manager Stats you will also find a complete playing 
record for every match you have spent as manager.
During multi-player games it can sometimes prove impossible for all managers in the 
game to be around to play. If you wish to play the game without all managers present, 
it is possible to put those managers who are absent on holiday. Just hope that when 
they return they don’t mind what the computer manager has done to their team.
It’s sometimes the case that whatever you do with your current side, nothing ever 
seems to go right and with nothing going right, it’ll only be matter of time before the 
chairman starts to wonder whether appointing you was the best decision he ever 
made. To attempt to preserve a shred of dignity it’s sometimes better to jump than 
be pushed. It’s as simple as clicking the Resign option. On a brighter note, you might 
have to resign from your current club having been headhunted by a better-looking 
outfit. So go, walk out on the club that gave you a chance as an up and coming 
manager, you know how to do it.
Getting old or just too faint-hearted for the stresses and strains of football 
management, get out of the business and retire to that insolvent pub of yours by 
hitting the Retire option.
Clicking this button can access each of the competitions that are used
within Championship Manager™ 3. The World Cup and other major
international tournaments can always be viewed, as well as those
domestic and continental club competitions in your selected leagues. 
The Menu Bar allows you to view at an instant every national and
domestic team that is included within your current game. The records
are arranged on a continental basis for National, Senior and Under-21
sides, as well as for the world’s largest clubs’ sides.
Filtering Quick Searches
The criteria by which you make use of Championship Manager™ 3’s quick search function can be found under
the Filter menu. If, for example, you were searching for a central defender under the age of 30, then in the filter
menu you would specify those criteria and then apply the search. Any players that it then flags up can be
approached for loan or purchase or added to the shortlist for future reference.
With football now a world game most clubs have in their employment a number of scouts whose sole task is to
travel the world identifying those players who may be suitable to bring into your squad. Depending on the size
of your club you will be able to employ the services of up to seven scouts. 
Each scout in your employment can be assigned to a country or region of the world in which to find players for
you. To assign a scout to a country or region, click the appropriate scouts search box, then the Search menu.
Any players that then come to their attention will be found by clicking the scout’s search box. Occasionally the
scout will draw to your attention, via the game news, any players he thinks are worth you taking an immediate
look at. Such players if you do not want to buy or loan them straight away are generally worth keeping track on
and it is recommended that you add them immediately to your shortlist.  
Once you’ve identified a player you wish to buy, the first step is to approach that player’s present club, if he has
one, by clicking the player’s Action button and then Approach to Buy. For those players who are not currently at
a club, you can also propose to the player that he comes to you on a trial, prior to you making the offer of a
contract to him.
At the transfer negotiation screen you can construct your bid for that player. 
A bid can be comprised of a cash payment or as an exchange between the clubs of players.