games-pc clash of steel Manual De Usuario

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99%), and its supply level (sup.: 8). The
box to the right shows a view on a strate-
gic scale of the entire map. You can place
the mouse pointer over any part of the
strategic map; clicking the left button
will center the tactical map over the point
you selected. Next is a box that contains
unit symbols of any units which have
come out of production and are in
Reserve status. You can place them on
the map by using the New option on the
Main Menu. The rightmost box contains
general information about whose phase it
is (Axis), the current date (Sep/Oct 1939),
what impulse number it is (1.impulse).
Movement is divided up into three areas:
Land Movement, Air Movement, and
Naval Movement. Each of these areas are
explained below.
Land Movement
In the integrated Movement and Combat
Phase, all units of the active player can
continue moving and fighting until their
Action Points (AP) are exhausted. A unit
can be moved more than once, not hav-
ing to spend its entire Action Points at
one time. At any given time only a single
unit can be located in a given hex. A unit
receives its maximum Action Points
unless any of the situations apply below:
Subtract one AP if the unit’s supply
value is less than five.
Halve the AP (rounding up) if the
unit’s supply value is zero.
A maximum of two AP if the weather 
is Mud.
A maximum of one AP if the unit is an
Army Group and the weather is Mud.
Air units get one AP if the weather is
Mud or Snow.
Rommel does not get 3 AP in Russia
until the Russian Winter arrives.
In general, four types of movement are
Normal Movement
When moving into an empty adjacent
hex, units pay the AP cost shown on the
Terrain Table. If a unit is conducting
infiltration movement, which is moving
from a hex which is adjacent to an
enemy unit directly into another hex
which is adjacent to an enemy unit, the
unit must pay one additional AP.
Overrun Movement
If you try to move into an adjacent hex
which is occupied by an enemy unit, this
is called an Overrun. Overrun costs no
AP for movement, but a single AP for the
Combat. A unit can always Overrun as
long as it has a remaining AP. The over-
running unit does not advance into the
hex if the enemy unit is destroyed or 
has retreated.
Reserve Movement
In the first two impulses you can move a
limited number of units strategically
over an unlimited number of hexes. To
do so move the cursor over the unit you
wish to move, click the left button twice
to access the unit, and select RESERVE.
Note: The unit must be placed back on
the map in the same impulse using the
option. However, you must place
the unit in a friendly-controlled hex in or
adjacent to a city which is in the same
partition as the original hex of the unit.
See the section “Supply Partitions” on
page 31 for more details. To use Reserve
Movement a unit must have at least a
supply value of >3, a morale of 25, one
remaining AP, and have not conducted
an assault.
Clash of Steel
Purchasable: the unit can be pur-
chased and be placed In Production.
Eliminated: was dissolved while being
isolated, can be repurchased after one
year for the full price.
Gone: the unit’s home country is con-
quered. All units are not available even
if friendly forces liberate the country.
Units on the Map
Land combat units have two numbers
printed on their counters. The left num-
ber is the effective ground combat
strength, rounded to the closest whole
number. The right number is the amount
of remaining Action Points (AP) which
can be used to move and attack. A unit’s
efficiency is a representation of the unit’s
training and leadership. The supply value
(0-9) represents the current supply status
of the unit. A unit’s morale is a result of a 
unit’s efficiency and supply values. The
air units also have two numbers. The left
number is the effective air combat
strength, rounded to the next full num-
ber. The right number is the number of
air strikes remaining. Although not
shown on the counter, all air units have
an effective strength of one ground com-
bat point if attacked. Naval units are not
represented by counters on the map.
They can be accessed in the Navy Menu
and the Naval Formation Menu.
The display above is from the 1939
Scenario. The German unit Guderian has
been accessed with the Unit Menu
options displayed on the right side of the
. Below the map are four boxes. The
leftmost box contains unit information
showing the unit name (Guderian), its
combat strength (str: 4), its maximum
Action Points (AP Max: 7), its morale level
(morale: 93%), its efficiency level (eff:
Clash of Steel