games-pc combat Manual De Usuario

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Levels may contain doors. These doors slide into the floor to allow passage under certain conditions. Some
doors automatically open whenever they’re approached. Some doors open after a set period of time, and
some doors open only after a number of certain enemies are destroyed. Note: A small indicator in the
lower right corner of the screen shows the number of enemies remaining to be destroyed in order to activate
the door.
Levels may also contain elevators. Simply drive onto the elevator tile and your tank will be raised or 
lowered to the target floor.
A Continue Point is a small platform on the ground. When a level loads, all Continue Points are “off” and
will not be illuminated. If you drive over a Continue Point, it will light up, indicating that it’s activated. Once 
activated, you will respawn at that location instead of the level’s original Start Point.
Throughout the levels, you will notice small platforms. These are the generators that “spawn” an enemy.
Note: Enemies will not spawn if you are directly over their Spawn Point.
The Exit Portal is a pulsing black sphere casting off an eerie blue light. If you drive or jump into it, it will
sweep you out of the level and into your next challenge. In some levels, the Exit Portal exists from the
moment you arrive, and your goal is to get to it. In other levels, your goal is simple survival until the Exit
Portal appears.
Play User Level – Select this to enter the name of a user level. Simply type in the name and press Enter
to launch that level. Completing the level will return you to the Single Player screen.
Return – Select this to return to the Main Menu.
You begin your Combat experience in a staging area. Navigate your tank into the black spheres that serve
as your conduit between the worlds. Once you enter a world, your goal is to keep your tank alive until the
Exit Portal (also a black sphere) opens (listen for an electric sizzle sound). Rack up a high score by picking
off the various enemies (human or AI, depending upon the game you are playing).
When you enter a level, initially the Exit Portal may not be visible. You will be challenged to avoid your 
enemies until the portal opens through cunning strategy and mastery of piloting your tank. While you hover
around, look for power-ups and opportunities to score big by picking off rocket drones and buzz bombs.
You start each game with 3 lives and a full shield charge of 3. These are displayed in the top left corner of
the screen. The red bars represent the shield level, and the red tanks represent your remaining lives. Enemy
fire and collisions with other vehicles will diminish your shield charge with each hit. If your shield charge
goes down to zero, you lose a life. Falling off the level into outer space will also cause you to lose a life.
Losing a life will cause you to re-materialize at the entry point of the level you are playing or at the last
Continue Point that you activated.
Hint! There are various power-ups located throughout the levels. Some of these will be health points that
restore your shield level to maximum, and some may be extra lives. If you see a power-up, drive over it to
get it. See “Power-ups” on page 11.
Combat Manual Interior   10/9/01  3:58 PM  Page 8