games-pc harpoon ii Manual De Usuario

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Harpoon II
Operating Instructions
Air  Threats
Shortly into the scenario you should have two air contacts to the
north.  Go ahead and watch these contacts for a few minutes to see
if you can determine more information about them without turning
your sensors on and revealing your position.  Click on each contact
and determine what kind of emissions your ESM gear has detected.
The contacts are emitting surface search radar that can be found on
several Soviet-made heavy bombers.  So, it is a logical assumption
(for this scenario, at least) that these are the Bad Guys.  Let’s watch
them for a while and see where they are headed.
Acquire Air Targets
After observing these contacts for a few minutes, we can see they
are headed for our position.  It looks like we may have a fight on our
hands.  In most scenarios you would probably have additional assets
such as fighter aircraft to intercept a possible threat.  We are going
it alone in this scenario to demonstrate the use of surface-to-air
weapons.  Go ahead and activate your radar (you should know how
to do this from our last lesson). You should quickly obtain solid
contacts  on  both  aircraft.  The  next  portion  of  the  tutorial  will
demonstrate the difference between automatic and manual engage-
Automatic Engagements
Since we have set the Staff Preference option to Weapons Free, allow
the first aircraft to get close enough for a visual ID to see if the Puller
will engage the air threat on her own.   The first aircraft is identified
as a Bear-F Bomber (ASW variant).  Once it has been identified, the
Puller will automatically engage.  You should see a video of a missile
launch and if you have a PC with a sound card or a Macintosh
, the
sound of the missile launch will be heard as well.   A missile symbol will
appear and begin tracking towards the target.  If it hits you will notice
a rosette pattern representing an explosion surround the aircraft  hit
by  a  missile.    If  the  missile  misses,  additional  missiles  will  be
automatically launched.
Manual Engagements
We are going to engage the second air target manually. First, select
Weapons Tight from the Game Preferences dialog box within the