games-pc spy hunter Manual De Usuario

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Nostra International is a company based in Israel with facilities all over the
globe. They deal in food products, bio-chemicals, genetics, e-commerce
and children's software.
Daemon Curry, President of Nostra International, is viewed by some as the
next messiah. He is an intellectual with keen business sense and political
savvy. He is connected in very high places within every government of the
world, and even with the church.
Hell is about to be unleashed.
Ever since Daemon Curry was a teen, he was fascinated with the prophecies
of Nostradamus. He felt the one spoken of in the books, the one who
would be king and bring the world to its knees, the one who would
rewrite history; he felt this one would be him. It's funny how a name can
go to your head.
In the early 80's he started Nostra to fund his visions of destruction.
Twenty-two years later, he is at last ready to start his unholy war. He has
tainted government elections; assassinated presidents and poisoned priests
to attract the media and buy himself time. He has grand plans for this
world. "Fire will fall from the sky, rivers will run red with blood, and a war
unlike any the world has seen will unleash the four horsemen unto earth.”
To help him realize his vision, he has assembled an army of spies and
assassins to spread across the globe like a disease and establish strongholds
in strategic locales. Once his plan is complete, he will unleash the four
horsemen to spread famine, disease, pestilence, and war. Then, as it is
written, "One man will become king and all the dying world will become
slaves for his pleasure."
To deal with this growing threat, IES (International Espionage Services) has
created a team known as SPYHUNTER. The main weapon in this team's
arsenal is the G-6155 Interceptor: a state of the art automobile with
enhanced weapon and transition capabilities and an onboard computer,
named "Leonie," that helps analyze and identify possible targets. The G-6155
driver is Alec Sects, a former F-15 fighter pilot recently FBI trained with
focus on international affairs.The Weapons Van, a mobile ammo replenishment
unit, is usually positioned just past enemy lines to assist the G-6155 in
fulfilling its mission. Their job is to locate Nostra's legion and prevent
them from carrying out these prophecies.
The Hunt is on.