games-pc shellshock-nam 67 Manual De Usuario

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It would be the longest military conflict in United States history,
and when it was over, 58,000 Americans had given their lives
in this jungle war. Another 304,000 were wounded, and nobody
who returned home was left unscarred by their time in Vietnam.
In 1946, the Vietnamese fought the French for their freedom
in the first Indochina war.
At the end of that war in 1954, two Vietnams were created,
South and North. Trouble was…the communists in the North
wanted one country, one people, one Vietnam.
It began for the U.S. in 1959 when they sent advisors—
government men with money and weapons and advice to help
the South. Slowly, almost inevitably, it became a full-blown war
with the ever-growing U.S. forces joining the South Vietnamese
army to fight the North Vietnamese regulars and the National
Liberation Front.
By 1975 it was all over. But not before three-million Vietnamese
from both sides died to make it happen, and another two-million
Laotians and Cambodians also perished.
In Washington they built a Black Wall, a wall with all 58,000
American names. The ones who didn’t come back.
But in 1967, the war was still young. Hopes were high. Success
was, they say, a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Lessons
would have to be learned in Vietnam. And in 1967, class—and
hell—were definitely in session.
1. At the Title screen, select 
NEW PROFILE to begin.
2. When creating a new profile, you can select your style of
player character. Choosing a character takes you to the name
input screen where you can input your profile save name.
Press the Enter key to complete the name.
LOAD PROFILE displays all saved profiles. Select a profile to
load it and start your game.
DELETE PROFILE displays all currently saved profiles. Select
a profile to delete it.
CREDITS to roll the SHELLSHOCK: NAM ‘67 credits.
During play, press the Esc key to pause the game and display the
Pause menu. From here you can select a restart point, modify
game options, return to the game or quit to the Profile screen.
Your progress is saved automatically at checkpoints during
each mission. This progress is saved only for the duration
of the game session. If you power down or reset your
computer, this information is lost.
However, if you choose 
QUIT TO PROFILE from the Pause menu
during a mission, you will be prompted to save your progress.
If you choose 
YES, the game will be saved at the last
checkpoint activated.
To resume a saved game, select a profile from the Load
Profile screen and choose 
the game at the last checkpoint activated before the game
was saved.
ShellShock PC final  6/16/04  6:35 PM  Page 4