Macromedia captivate 2 Manual De Usuario

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Chapter 12:  Editing Projects
Hiding projects
Adobe Captivate lets you hide a project on the Start page. The project remains in the My Adobe 
Captivate Projects folder (located within the My Documents folder), but is hidden from view 
when Adobe Captivate is opened and the Start page appears. The hide option is useful if you have 
old projects that you want to retain, but you do not need them to appear whenever you open 
Adobe Captivate.
To hide a project on the Start page:
Start Adobe Captivate.
Under Open a recent project, right-click a project and select Hide Project. 
Note: Up to ten project names can appear in the Open a recent project list on the Adobe Captivate 
Start page.
Previewing projects
As you create an Adobe Captivate project, you can preview it. You can see your project the way 
your users see it.
To preview a project:
Open Adobe Captivate. 
Open the Adobe Captivate project you want to preview.
Double-click any slide to open Edit view.
In the toolbar, click Preview and select one of the following options:
Play this slide
  Select to preview only the current slide.
  Select to preview the entire project from start to finish.
From this slide
  Select to preview the project from the currently displayed slide to the end.
Next 5 slides
  Select to preview the current slide and the following four slides. (You can 
change the default of 5 slides for this option on the Defaults tab of the Project Preferences 
dialog box.)
In Web Browser
  Select to preview the project in your default web browser (that is, Internet 
Explorer, Netscape, Opera, and so on).
Adobe Captivate generates the project and displays it in the preview window. 
Tip: You can also preview a single slide using the Timeline.
Note: When you publish projects, you can select which version of Flash that Adobe Captivate uses 
to generate the SWF file. However, for previews, Adobe Captivate automatically uses the Active X 
Flash version that you have installed on your computer.