Macromedia captivate 2 Manual De Usuario

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About planning projects
If you are producing projects for a CD or other high-bandwidth media, set the project size to 
1024 x 768 or 800 x 600.
Tip 5 - Turn off wallpaper
Desktop wallpaper is a distraction in a finished project because the user may view the wallpaper 
instead of your project. Also, colorful wallpaper increases the size of your project (especially 
photographic backgrounds) and reduces the color accuracy because many colors are required to 
display the wallpaper.
The best choice for a background is a plain color. For a professional end result, set the background 
to the same color as the web page on which the project will be displayed.
Tip 6 - Turn off icons
Icons, like wallpaper, are a distraction. Reduce the number of icons by moving them to a toolbar. 
You can also reduce the number of icons on the quick launch section of your Taskbar. You can 
completely hide the Taskbar by clicking Start and selecting Control Panel > Taskbar and Start 
Menu. Then select Auto-hide the Taskbar. (The steps you should take might vary, depending on 
your operating system.)
Tip 7 - Remove themes and nonstandard colors
Themes and color schemes are based on personal taste and may not look good in a finished 
project. For best results, set your theme to a standard Windows theme and your color scheme to 
the default.
Tip 8 - Remove color gradients
Color gradients on the title bars of windows increase the file size of your projects. To turn off 
color gradients on title bars, click Start, and select Control Panel > Display. Click the Appearance 
tab, click Advanced, and locate the Item pop-up menu. Select Active Title Bar and set Color and 
Color 2 to the same color. (The steps you should take may vary, depending on your operating 
Recording techniques
Adobe Captivate gives you a variety of options that help you create a new project. You can have 
many processes take place automatically, use a combination of automatic and manual options, or 
retain greater control by recording manually. 
Often, the decision to have a task take place automatically or do the task manually is based on the 
purpose of the project and how much time you have. If you need to create a short project quickly, 
have Adobe Captivate do recording tasks automatically. If you are creating a longer, more detailed 
project, try a combination of automatic and manual recording options. Experiment with the 
different recording options to find the combinations that work best for you.