BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co. OHG SXG75 Manual De Usuario

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Instant messaging
right page (79)
 of SXG75, FUG us-en, A31008-H8900-A1-1-7619 (07.10.2005, 13:46)
© Siemens AG 2003, E:\Auftrag\Siemens\Mobil
Template: X75, Version 2.2;VAR La
 VAR issue date: 050902
Auto login
the phone uses saved account infor-
mation (see above) to establish a 
connection to the server when the 
phone is powered on.
Log out
Open menu and select 
Press to confirm log off 
Instant message in offline state
If you are offline, a new instant mes-
sage or a conversation invitation is 
sent either via SMS or via WAP push 
message (page 62). 
The messages are stored on the 
server temporarily. 
If you want to join the conversation 
you have to start the Instant mes-
sage application and log in. The info 
message is displayed as soon as you 
Tabs overview
When you are online the following 
tabs are displayed:
Online contacts
Info messages
Online contacts
This is a filtered list of all Instant 
message contacts that are currently 
The icon indicates the availability:
• Green: Contact is available 
• Yellow: Contact is busy.
When a contact is highlighted, the 
text of the user is displayed in the 
second line. An icon is displayed, if 
the user is added to the private list.
Active (group) conversations are 
listed. Up to 5 conversations can 
be active at the same time. 
New conversations are listed as soon 
as you receive an invitation message 
Instant message contacts are stored 
within the Instant message applica-
tion and on the Instant message 
server. To create a new Instant mes-
sage contact you may browse the 
contacts application.
Availability is indicated in the same 
way as in the online contacts list 
(see above).