Cleveland Medical Devices Inc. 0007 Manual De Usuario

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Cleveland Medical Devices Inc. 
                                                             BioRadio 110 User Guide
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Inter-exchange) 
A standard character set and coding scheme used to represent letters, numbers, symbols, 
and control characters. 
A continuous sound wave or signal, such as a voice, that conventional telephone lines 
were developed for. 
The required capacity for the data volume and transmission rate. 
Baud Rate 
The number of signal elements per second occurring on a communications channel.  Since 
a signal element can represent more than one bit, baud rate is not necessarily the same as 
bits per second. 
The number of bits that are transmitted in one second.  This is the basic unit of measure 
for serial data transmission. 
A non-continuous signal, voltages representing either an on or off condition used to repre-
sent 1 data bit. 
page 53
Thursday, November 12, 1998 15:39