Telonics Inc SST901M Manual De Usuario

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These tabs display the results from the last successful transfer session. Files listed in the results section are 
located in your Spread-Spectrum Files directory (set in the File Locations tab of the Options Window). You 
can access these files from this window by clicking the filename or icon. The results section includes the 
following tabs:  
•  Downloaded Data 
The File field lists the downloaded data file (TSF), factory-diagnostic data (optionally included inside 
TSF), and the test file. The Successful and Failed fields summarize the number of fixes included in the 
downloaded data file. Download Size describes the number of bytes downloaded for the data file (TSF). 
Download Type displays the selected options for the data download.  
•  Current Location 
This tab displays information from the most-recent successful GPS fix. TDC downloads this 
information with every SST transfer session. You can optionally instruct the unit to "Acquire a new 
GPS fix" as part of the SST session (see SST Unit and Session Settings Window).  
•  Blackout period 
Start Time displays the scheduled start of the SST blackout period , accounting for a short grace 
period after the last SST transfer session. End Time displays the end of the blackout period. The End 
Time does not account for on/off periods in the SST schedule. If the End Time is in the middle of an 
off period the unit will not listen for SST communications until the start of the next scheduled on 
period. See the SST Active field to see the next time that unit will listen for SST communications.  
•  Transfer TPF 
The Type field specifies whether TDC downloaded or uploaded a TPF file. The Size field describes 
the number of bytes transferred for the TPF file. The File field lists the name of the transferred TPF 
•  Stats 
The Statistics tab summarizes the health of the spread-spectrum link in the most-recent SST transfer 
session. Avg Signal displays the average signal strength of packets received by the SST-901M. 
Session Duration displays the total length of the transfer session. Tx Rate shows the average 
transfer rate for sending and receiving files over the spread-spectrum link. The Bytes Received and 
Sent fields describe the total number of bytes transferred by the SST-901M during the transfer 
session. The File field lists the detailed statistics file, which includes additional statistics about the 
spread-spectrum link.  
•  Debug 
The File field lists the Debug and Packet files. Debug Info displays the contents of the Debug file. If 
you are experiencing difficulties with SST communications, Telonics may ask you to send these files 
to the factory for analysis.  
Connect Button 
Press the Connect Button to attempt to connect to the selected unit and conduct an SST transfer session.  
Stop Button 
Press the Stop button to cancel a transfer session. If Telonics Data Converter has connected to the unit and 
is in the middle of the transfer session, TDC will warn you before canceling the session. If TDC has not yet 
connected to the unit, TDC cancels the session without warning.  
Close Button 
Pressing the Close Button closes this SST Transfer Session Window. If TDC is in the middle of an SST 
session, TDC will give you a warning and cancel the session before closing the window.  
PB008896  Rev A 
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