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120 40101-103
Integra T Technical Manual
3. Maintenance adjustments
3.1  Overview and Mainte-
nance intervals
This chapter outlines the basic adjustment pro-
cedures required upon initial installation and
thereafter at annual maintenance intervals or
whenever deterioration in performance indicates
that adjustment may be required. Units are de-
livered from the factory properly aligned and
tested on the frequencies specified at time of
order. Adjustment beyond that described in this
chapter is not required unless radio modules
have been tampered with or repaired. In such
cases, we recommend complete factory re-
alignment, as special test jigs are required.
3.2 Intended 
This chapter is intended for use by installation
and maintenance personnel.
3.3 Equipment 
The adjustments described below require the
following equipment:
1.  13.3 VDC / 5A regulated power supply.
2.  Radio service monitor (IFR or equivalent).
3.  Cable with SMA connector to connect Inte-
gra-T to the service monitor.
4.  Integra Radio Service Software (RSS) kit.
5.  A PC 486 or better to run the RSS.
6.  Normal radio shop tools including align-
ment tools.
3.4 Test 
For trouble shooting aid, there is one test point
available at pin 4 of the power/analog connector
(white wire). This demodulated signal meas-
urement is half the voltage read at the RSSI bar
Note: the RX-TP mode must be selected using
the Integra RSS.
3.5 Basic 
Basic adjustments to be performed are:
1.  Transmitter power output
2.  Transmitter frequency
3.  Transmitter deviation
4.  Demodulated signal level
5.  Carrier Sense
3.5.1 Preliminary 
Important Note: Before proceeding make
sure that the service monitor has been cali-
brated recently and has warmed up for at
least the time specified by its manufacturer.
Some reported frequency and deviation prob-
lems have actually been erroneous indications
from service monitors that have not adequately
warmed up. This is particularly likely when
field service is done during winter months.
1.  Connect the Integra-TR’s antenna connector
to the input of the service monitor using a
suitable length of 50-ohm cable. That input
should be able to support at least 5 watts.
2.  Connect Integra-TR to a suitable power
supply and adjust the supply voltage to 13.3
volts (16 VDC maximum).
3.  Using a suitable 9-conductor straight RS-
232 cable, connect the unit’s Setup port to
the RS-232 port of a PC and run the Integra
RSS program (INTRSS.exe) on the PC.
4.  Press GET to get the configuration from the
5.  From the Radio Settings window, accessed
by double-clicking the Radio Settings icon,
set the frequency to be used for testing.
Leave this window open and on top.
6.  Follow the steps in the Table 4.
After Adjustments are Done
Adjustments made using the RSS are temporary
and must be made permanent as follows:
1.  After all adjustments are completed satis-
factorily, press “PUT” to save the changes
permanently to the unit.
2.  Press  Station Reset to activate all configu-
ration changes.