Cherry F3000 Manual De Usuario

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Restricted Manufacturer’s Guarantee 
Restricted Guarantee – statutory Guarantee: Please note that the Restricted Manufacturer’s Guarantee set out below applies in 
addition to your statutory guarantee and neither replaces nor restricts it. Please contact the seller of this product with any claim based 
on your statutory guarantee rights arising from the sale of consumer goods. 
Guarantee rights: With effect from June 1, 2006, Cherry GmbH (“Cherry”) grants the purchaser of this Cherry product (“Product”) a 
Restricted Manufacturer’ Guarantee (“Guarantee”) provided that this Product is bought and used by the purchaser in his capacity as a 
consumer. Commercial users of this Product or purchasers acting in their capacity as entrepreneurs are excluded from the Guarantee 
as set out below. The granting of a guarantee and its contents for these purchasers can be agreed with Cherry individually at the 
contact address given in the instructions for use. 
The Guarantee is not transferable and is limited to the original purchaser. 
This Guarantee applies only to Products bought in a member state of the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland or Turkey and 
which were intended for sale in one of these countries; it is valid and enforceable in these countries only. 
Guarantee period: The Guarantee period begins on the date on which the Product is purchased by an end customer (date of original 
proof of purchase) and runs for three (3) years, or ninety (90) days for all media on which software for this Product is provided. 
Claiming under the Guarantee: If you wish to make a claim under this Guarantee, you must, within thirty (30) days of the occurrence 
of a defect, submit the following to an authorized Cherry customer service office: the Product and the original proof of purchase. This 
must show the name and address of the authorized Cherry salesperson and the date and place of purchase as well as the unique 
product designation. 
Responsibility for loss or damage to the Product is not transferred to Cherry until the product has reached Cherry. 
Guarantee benefits: Defects in the material, construction or processing of the hardware will be remedied within the Guarantee period 
by Cherry or by an authorized Cherry customer service office free of charge within a commercially acceptable period by repair to the 
extent necessary to restore operation, or, should Cherry at its own discretion consider it necessary, by replacing the Product or parts of 
If neither of these two possibilities is feasible, Cherry will reimburse the customer the purchase price paid. Replacement products may 
also be products which were state-of-the-art at the time of the purchase of the Product to be replaced. Cherry may use new, 
refurbished or as-new products or parts for the repair and replacement of the Product. As far as legally possible, Cherry may choose 
between the possibilities mentioned above at its own discretion. 
Replaced parts or Products are guaranteed either until the end of the original Guarantee period for the original Product or for three (3) 
months from the exchange of the parts or Products, whichever Guarantee period is longer. 
Exchanged or returned parts or pieces of equipment become the property of Cherry. 
Defects in parts subject to wear and tear, which by their nature have only a limited service life (e.g. batteries or fuses), are not covered 
by the Guarantee. Products from third parties supplied together with the Product under Guarantee are not covered by the Guarantee 
from Cherry. 
Furthermore, the Guarantee does not cover normal wear and tear. Additionally, the Guarantee from Cherry does not apply if the defect 
is the result of disregard of the instructions for use, improper or rough treatment or attempts at modification, e.g. using sharp objects, 
bending, pressure or dropping, of unauthorized interference or attempts at connection, unauthorized opening or repair or attempted 
repair with non-approved spare parts, incorrect operation or faulty installation. Nor does the Guarantee cover cases where the Product 
has been exposed to moisture, damp, extreme heat or extreme climatic conditions or short fluctuations of these influences, corrosion or 
oxidation, where food or liquids have been spilled over it or it has been attacked by chemical substances. 
Limitation of liability: Cherry’s liability is limited to the original purchase price of the Product. 
to the legally permitted extent, Cherry also precludes liability for any accompanying or resulting damage, indirect or other damage and 
the shortfall or loss of income or profit, the loss of information or data or other financial damage incurred in connection with the 
purchase, installation, maintenance or use of the product, in particular higher costs or expenditure on indirect losses or damage, even if 
Cherry has been informed of the possibility of such damage. 
The limitation and preclusion of liability shall apply even if a remedy provided under the Guarantee has not fulfilled its purpose. 
Cherry is under no circumstances responsible for the customer’s software, information or data stored on or integrated into the Product 
returned to Cherry. 
The limitations of liability detailed above do not apply in cases of intent or gross negligence on the part of Cherry or in the case of death 
or injury to persons. 
No guarantee on operator software: This Product may contain software from third-party providers whose use is regulated through a 
separate licence contract, or it may be connected to software of this kind. The Guarantee granted by Cherry does not cover such third-
party software, regardless of whether it is contained in the product or has been downloaded on to the product and regardless of 
whether it was added during installation, assembly, transport or at any other time in the delivery chain or was received by the purchaser 
in another way. Information concerning the guarantee applicable in this case may be obtained from the licence contract with the end 
user, which regulates the use of software of this type. 
Further information: This Guarantee contains the sole and exclusive legal remedy of the purchaser towards Cherry and Cherry’s sole 
and exclusive liability for defects in the product. This Guarantee replaces all other guarantees and declarations of liability where these 
were made in verbal, written or implied form or are based on (non-mandatory) applicable statutory or contractual provisions. It also 
replaces implied guarantees of the marketable quality of the Product or its suitability for a particular purpose. 
No Cherry distributor, sales agent or employee is authorized to grant amendments, extensions or supplements to this Guarantee. 
Information on the conditions of the Guarantee, authorized customer service offices and any up-dates may be obtained from the 
CHERRY Web site at: