Badger Meter Inc 2010M Manual De Usuario

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Installation & Operation Manual
 Comment Codes/Messages tab is used to display any Codes /Messages relating to a meter.
Figure 34: Comment Codes/Messages
Reader Codes - Reader codes are values that the reader can create about a specific meter.  These values are 
channelized into ORS by the Reading Data Management Software. 
Trouble Code -Trouble codes are values that the reader can create for problems related to a specific meter. These 
values are passed into ORS by the Reading Data Management Software.
Popup Comment Code - Comment codes are messages from the Reading Data Management Software that relay 
information about a specific meter. An example could be ‘Beware of Dog’. These values are passed into ORS by the 
Reading Data Management Software.
Extended Comment – This field stores a text field in which the meter reader can insert a message to be sent back to  
the office. The field contains Create and Delete buttons to add or delete a text  comment. There is a limit to how  
many characters can be entered in this field, displayed by an automated "Character Remaining" monitor.
Clear Meter Reading - Removes the current meter reading.
Close - Exit the screen.