GatesAir Inc. ULXATSC Manual De Usuario

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WARNING: Disconnect primary power prior to servicing.
Section 1 Introduction
Maxiva ULX ATSC Series
User Manual
The heart of the control system is the TCU which is responsible for control, monitoring 
and protection. The TCU contains the MCM (master controller module) which controls 
all critical transmitter functions and the PCM (processor control module) which 
provides enhanced monitoring and control, exciter and cabinet data collection, fault 
logs and web remote connectivity. In addition to the MCM and PCM the Maxiva ATSC 
main TCU contains six modular cards for the following sub-systems:
PA Interface -Provides interface between TCU, IPA (driver) and PA backplane 
boards. The interface features 40 digital outputs/inputs and 24 ATSC outputs and 
inputs. A fully populated cabinet will require two PA interface cards, one card per 
eight PA modules. The PA interface card sends the ON/OFF commands to the PA 
modules and receives fault information and status from them.
RF  Detector/Pump Control/ Interlocks - Consists of a main board and a daughter 
card. It features 7 RMS detectors with adjustable trip points (via EPOTS). It has 
pump control and interlocks on one D25 pin connector.
Customer I/O - Provides parallel remote control, status and meter outputs. Connector 
A has all inputs and Connector B has all outputs.
Exciter Switch - Contains PWB relay, 2 RMS detectors with adjustable trips (via 
EPOTs) for power monitoring and a control/status interface for Exciters A and B.
PS Monitor  - Monitors AC lines for phase imbalance and high or low voltage, cool-
ant inlet/outlet temperature, coolant flow, leaks, combiner temperature and cabinet 
TCU’s also contain the following components:
Base-Plane -  provides a common bus for custom plug-in cards
Power Supply Modules - two redundant internal power supply modules.
Standard Master Control Module (MCM) - FPGA based controller used for all criti-
cal transmitter control functions.
LED’s - standard front LED mimic display panel.
Processor Control Module (PCM) - Coldfire based micro module running embedded 
Linux OS. It provides a touch screen for enhanced monitoring and control, exciter 
and multi-cabinet data collection, fault logs and web remote connectivity.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) front panel - 5.25" color 1/4 VGA touch screen that 
is present only in the main TCU (cabinet 1 in multi cabinet systems).
In multi-cabinet systems, there is a TCU in every cabinet. Each TCU will always 
contain an MCM but PA cabinet TCU’s don’t require all TCU cards. The TCU in the 
first PA cabinet will assume the role of master controller for the system. The TCU’s in 
the remaining PA cabinets will be slaves.