Bosch Security Systems Inc. M513 Manual De Usuario

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The Telex Model BTR-300 is a Base Sta tion
with one trans mit ter and four re ceiv ers. It is de -
signed for por ta ble  two way com mu ni ca tion
with the ca pa bil ity for in ter face to  other au dio
sys tems. Fea tures in clude:
An ex tremely flex i ble unit that  has the ca -
pa bil ity to com mu ni cate at one time with
any num ber of the  avail able por ta ble  sta -
tions (up to four) or wired sta tions (in ter -
com and/or other au dio source).
Powered by an ex ter nal AC wall sup ply
(sup plied), via the power jack on the rear of 
the unit. It can also be pow ered by any fil -
tered 12 to 14 VDC/600 mA source or 13.0 
VAC RMS 600 mA source.
In ter com con nec tions with the abil ity to in -
ter face with most wired in ter com sys tems.
RF LED in di ca tor for each por ta ble sta tion.
All metal case for su pe rior shield ing.
Ta ble or rack mount able.
Re ceive
  RF Fre quency Range ...............................................................................................................150-216 MHz
RF Fre quency Sta bil ity ......................................................................................Crys tal Con trolled, 0.005%
Type .................................................................................................Dual Con ver sion super het ero dyne, FM
RF Sen si tiv ity......................................................................................  Less than 0.5 
V for 12 dB SINAD
IF Se lec tiv ity.............................................................................  3 dB at 30 kHz (4 pole Monolythic Fil ter)
Im age Re jec tion ...................................................................................................................  65 dB or better
Squelch Quieting ..................................................................................................................................90 dB
Squelch Thresh old ............................................................................................................  1.0 
V (In ter nal)
Sig nal-to-Noise Ra tio...........................................................................................................................90 dB
Re ceive An tenna ..........................................................................................................  5/8-wave (sup plied)
SO239 con nec tor on chas sis
Dis tor tion .....................................................................................................  Less than 1% at Rated Out put