Clarity A Division of Plantronics Inc. PAL101 Manual De Usuario

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Please read the following safety instructions before using your Clarity Pal
Dual Band Mobile Phone and accessories. Please keep these instructions for  
your reference. When using this product, these safety precautions and  
warnings should be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, injury  
to persons and damage to property. Additional warnings may be present  
on the product, packaging, or in the user instructions.
Emergency Call  Feature 
When the emergency button is 
pressed the emergency numbers 
saved in the phone’s address 
book will be called in the order 
you have selected until a party is 
reached. Up to five emergency 
numbers may be saved in the 
address book. The numbers and 
the order they will be called 
must be entered into the phone 
in order to ensure the desired 
numbers are dialed when the 
emergency button is pressed. 
After you have entered your five 
emergency numbers, you should 
test the phone’s emergency call 
feature by pressing the emergency 
button to ensure that you have 
correctly entered the numbers 
into the phone. 
Since the phone service must be 
purchased in advance through 
monthly pre-paid credits, you must 
ensure that you have made your 
pre-payment in order for the phone 
service to remain activated. If you 
do not make your monthly pre-
payment or if you do not make a 
full monthly payment, you will lose 
your phone service, and the phone 
and the emergency call feature will 
not be available. 
You must also ensure that the 
phone’s battery is fully-charged at 
all times and that the phone is in 
good working condition in order 
for the emergency call feature  
to work. 
If the phone is outside of a cover-
age area, if network service is tem-
porarily suspended by the network 
carrier, or if there is network or 
phone interference, the emergency 
call feature will not be available 
during those times. 
This phone is not equipped with a 
global positioning service or other 
means to determine the physical 
location of the phone. Conse-
quently, if an emergency situation 
arises but you are unable to provide 
your location to an emergency  
contact person in your address 
book, neither they nor an emer-
gency response service may be  
able to locate you.
The SIM card must be installed  
and activated before you will 
receive any phone service. If the 
SIM card is damaged or replaced, 
the emergency contact numbers 
you entered into the phone will  
be lost. In that case you must  
re-enter your five emergency 
contact numbers into the phone’s 
address book in order to restore 
the emergency call feature.
After you have re-entered your five 
emergency numbers, you should 
test the phone’s emergency call 
feature by pressing the emergency 
button to ensure that you have 
correctly entered the numbers into 
the phone. 
The Health Industry Manufacturers 
Association recommends that a  
minimum separation of (6) inches  
be maintained between a handheld 
wireless phone and a pacemaker  
to avoid potential interference  
with the pacemaker. Persons with 
•  Should always keep the phone  
  more than (6) inches from their  
  pacemaker when the phone is  
  turned on.
•  Should not carry the phone in  
  a breast pocket.
•  Should use the ear opposite  
  the pacemaker to minimize the  
  potential for interference.
If you have any reason to suspect 
that interference is taking place, 
turn the phone off immediately.
Hearing Aids
The phone may interfere with  
some hearing aids. If it does, con- 
sult the hearing aid manufacturer  
or your physician for alternatives  
or remedies.
Other Medical devices
If you use any other personal 
medical device, consult the device 
manufacturer or your physician  
to determine if it is adequately  
shielded from external (RF) energy.
Air Travel
Mobile phone use may be prohib-
ited during air travel.
Posted Signs
Obey posted signs or notices pro-
hibiting mobile phone use in certain 
locations, including but not limited 
to blasting areas, health care facili-
ties and aircraft.
Health Care Facilities
Turn the phone off in health care 
facilities when any regulations 
posted in these areas instruct you 
to do so. Hospitals and health care 
facilities may use equipment that is 
sensitive to external (RF) energy.
driving Safely
Check and follow local laws and 
regulations regarding use of a 
mobile phone while driving. 
If you decide to use a mobile phone 
while driving a vehicle, give your full 
attention to driving safely and keep 
the following driving tips in mind:
•  Be responsible behind the    
  wheel. Don’t Text and Drive! 
•  Get to know your wireless    
  device and its features such as  
  speed dial and redial. 
•  Position your wireless device  
  within easy reach. 
•  Dial sensibly and assess the   
  traffic. Place calls when you   
  are not moving. 
•  Let the person you are speaking  
  with know you are driving. If  
  necessary suspend the call in  
  heavy traffic or hazardous   
  weather conditions. 
•  Do not take notes or look up  
  phone numbers while driving. 
•  Use a hands-free device for   
  convenience and comfort. 
•  Do not engage in stressful or  
  emotional conversations that  
  might divert your attention   
  from the road. 
•  Dial 911 or other local emer- 
  gency numbers to report  
  serious emergencies — it’s free  
  from your wireless phone.
•  Use your wireless phone to   
  help others in emergencies.
•  Call roadside assistance or a  
  special non-emergency wire- 
  less number when necessary. 
*  Driving Tips used with permission  
  from CTIA-The Wireless Association
For vehicles Equipped with  
an Air Bag
An air bag inflates with great force. 
Do not store the phone or any of 
its accessories in the area over the 
air bag or in the air bag deploy-
ment area.
•  Use only those Clarity pro-   
  ducts and accessories designed  
  for use with this product.
•  Do not disassemble the pro- 
  duct or AC adapter as this   
  may expose you to dangerous  
  voltages or other risks. Incor- 
  rect reassembly can cause   
  electric shock or fire when the  
  product is subsequently used.
•  Use only the charger supplied  
  by Clarity to charge the pro- 
  d uct. Do not use the chargers  
  for any other purpose. Ensure  
  that the voltage rating cor-  
  responds to the power supply  
  you intend to use, for example  
  100-240 V; 50/60 Hz; 0.2 A.
•  Never store or use the pro- 
  duct or charge the battery   
  where the temperature may  
  fall below 0°C (32°F) or rise  
  above 40°C (104°F).
To avoid the risk of explosion, 
fire or leakage of toxic  
chemicals, please observe  
the following warnings: 
•  Do not dispose of the pro- 
  duct or battery in a fire or   
  heat above 40°C (104°F).
 • Do not open, deform or  
  mutilate the battery. There   
  may be corrosive materials   
  which can cause damage to   
  eyes or skin and may be toxic  
  if swallowed.