Vivanco 28271 Manual De Usuario

Página de 88
Vivanco offers its retail partners the ideal combination of high-
quality products, efficient service, reliable partnership and 
attractive conditions. Vivanco is one of the leading providers for
equipment and connecting accessories – in terms of both the
width and the depth of its product lines.
Vivanco has been expanding its service offering for specialist 
retailers successfully, covering almost the entire value chain 
along the retail process. From development and manufacturing 
of new products over logistics, marketing and sales, all the way
to product line support at the P.O.S. (Point of Sale). With the
company’s sense for trends, its well-founded knowledge of pro-
duction markets, extensive marketing know-how and targeted
retailer support, Vivanco is the ideal system service provider and
partner for specialist retailers for innovative, market-driven
products, P.O.S. service and ideas.
This combination allows retailers to tap their full sales potential.
Vivanco, for maximum effectiveness and competitiveness
Technology for Lifestyle
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