Cisco CiscoSecure ACS for UNIX Upgrade to v2.3 CSU-2.3-UG Manual De Usuario

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CiscoSecure ACS 2.3 for UNIX User Guide
78-5222-02 Rev. A0
If CiscoSecure Installation Does Not Update the Sybase Database
Setting Up a Sybase Enterprise SQL Server for CiscoSecure
If CiscoSecure Installation Does Not Update the Sybase Database
The CiscoSecure installation might fail to update the Sybase Enterprise database for early CiscoSecure
for UNIX 2.x versions. In such cases, the installation program will stop after the following series of
prompts and messages:
alter table cs_password add primary key (profile_id, pwd_type)
*** SQLException caught ***
Message:  Line 1 Error 1920 Level 16 State 1
        A column in a primary key constraint's
        column list is not constrained to be not null,
        column name: 'profile_id'.
Vendor:   1920
Upgrading schema failed.
In such cases, you must use Sybase tools to manually update the Sybase database schema, then rerun the
part of the CiscoSecure installation program that updates the CiscoSecure database schema.
Step 1
Start the Sybase SQL command tool, isql, and enter the following series of commands to update the
database schema:
create table cs_password_new
profile_id                      int                   not null,
pwd_type                        varchar(32)           not null,
pwd_value                       varchar(255)          null    ,
pwd_from_date                   datetime              null    ,
pwd_until_date                  datetime              null    ,
pwd_opaque                      varchar(255)          null    ,
pwd_qualifier                   varchar(10)           null    ,
insert into cs_password_new (profile_id, pwd_type, pwd_value,
pwd_from_date,pwd_until_date, pwd_opaque, pwd_qualifier)
select profile_id, pwd_type, pwd_value, pwd_from_date, pwd_until_date,
pwd_opaque, pwd_qualifier from cs_password
drop table cs_password
sp_rename cs_password_new, cs_password
Step 2
Run the $BASEDIR/utils/bin CSdbTool utility to continue the CiscoSecure database upgrade. Enter:
CSdbTool upgrade