Adobe Speed Grade CS6, DVD, Win, 1U, FRE 65179532 Manual De Usuario

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Adobe SpeedGrade CS6
Create dailies—
SpeedGrade CS6  includes robust built-in support for camera and file metadata so 
you can quickly and efficiently generate dailies during production work for review sessions with 
your team or your client. Because you can easily apply .Looks to your dailies, everyone on the 
project can see the creative intention earlier in the process.
Making shots match
In a modern production environment, you need to be able to match footage from different sources, 
as well as correct gamma irregularities and color shifts. You’ll find these tasks easy to accomplish in 
SpeedGrade CS6, which provides automatic color calibration for QuickTime output, so that offlines 
and dailies match your source material.
Additionally, SpeedGrade CS6 can match color spaces for footage captured with different cameras 
by automatically matching test shots of Macbeth color charts.
Award-winning stereoscopic toolset 
When new types of projects come along, it’s good to know that you have the right gear for the job. 
SpeedGrade CS6 includes powerful tools for working with stereoscopic content. You can adjust the 
depth budget placement within your frames to smooth transitions between shots. Floating 
windows provide a flexible tool for dealing with edge violations to help you create a great viewing 
experience for your audiences.
With SpeedGrade CS6, your grading and effects are automatically applied to both eyes, so you 
have the creative freedom to focus on the look of your production.
SpeedGrade CS6 automates shot matching from different 
digital cinema cameras such as ALEXA and RED, and DSLR 
cameras such as the Canon Mark II. Since each of these 
capture data in a slightly different way, test shots of Macbeth 
color charts (left) allow you to match color spaces 
automatically, saving time and guesswork.
3D depth budget
The “depth budget” refers to the 
comfortable viewing depth for 
objects within stereo 3D space. In 
order to allow the eye to adjust 
from one shot to the next, changes 
in the overall depth budget should 
be gradual. 
Adjust geometry and view stereoscopic content in a variety of ways with SpeedGrade CS6