ZyXEL 4-port Prestige 792H Router 91-004-342001 Manual De Usuario

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Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 
System Maintenance 
Table 30-3 System Maintenance Menu — Syslog Parameters 
UNIX Syslog: 
Active  Use [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to turn syslog on or off. 
Syslog IP Address  Type the IP address of your syslog server. 
Log Facility  Use [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select one of seven different local options. 
The log facility lets you log the message in different server files. Refer to your UNIX 
CDR  Call Detail Record (CDR) logs all data phone line activity if set to Yes
Packet Triggered  The first 48 bytes or octets and protocol type of the triggering packet is sent to the 
UNIX syslog server when this field is set to Yes
Filter Log  No filters are logged when this field is set to No. Filters with the individual filter Log 
Filter field set to Yes are logged when this field is set to Yes
PPP Log  PPP events are logged when this field is set to Yes
The following are examples of the four types of syslog messages sent by the Prestige: 
1 - CDR 
SdcmdSyslogSend ( SYSLOG_CDR, SYSLOG_INFO, String); 
String = board xx line xx channel xx, call xx, str 
board = the hardware board ID 
line = the WAN ID in a board 
Channel = channel ID within the WAN 
call = the call reference number which starts from 1 and increments by 1 for each new call 
str = C01 Outgoing Call dev xx ch xx (dev:device No. ch:channel No.) 
C01 Incoming Call xxxxBps xxxxx (L2TP, xxxxx = Remote Call ID) 
C01 Incoming Call xxxx (= connected speed) xxxxx (= Remote Call ID) 
L02 Tunnel Connected (L2TP) 
C02 OutCall Connected xxxx (= connected speed) xxxxx (= Remote Call ID) 
C02 CLID call refused 
L02 Call Terminated 
C02 Call Terminated 
Jul 19 11:19:27 ZYXEL: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call 1, C01 Outgoing Call dev=2 ch=0 
Jul 19 11:19:32 ZYXEL: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call 1, C02 OutCall Connected 64000 
Jul 19 11:20:06 ZYXEL: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call 1, C02 Call Terminated 
2 - Packet Triggered 
SdcmdSyslogSend (SYSLOG_PKTTRI, SYSLOG_NOTICE, String); 
String = Packet trigger: Protocol=xx Data=xxxxxxxxxx…..x 
Protocol: (1:IP 2:IPX 3:IPXHC 4:BPDU 5:ATALK 6:IPNG) 
Data: We will send forty-eight Hex characters to the server 
Jul 19 11:28:39 ZYXEL: Packet Trigger: Protocol=1, 