Saeco Super-automatic espresso machine HD8745/18 HD8745/18 Prospecto

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Saeco Xsmall
espresso machine
• Brews 2 coffee varieties
• Classic Milk Frother
• Silver
• 5 step adjustable grinder
Taste the aroma of your favorite coffee beans
one touch bean to cup espresso
Whatever coffee you wish to try next, the Saeco Xsmall will grind the beans fresh on the 
spot at the touch of a button. It comes equipped with a steam pipe to add a touch of 
milk froth pleasure to all your fresh coffee drinks.
Authentic Italian coffee perfection
• Delicious milk froth thanks to the classic milk frother
• Coffee without burnt taste thanks to 100% ceramic grinders
Set the beverages to suit your taste
• Save your favorite coffee length
• Play with the coffee's richness with our adjustable grinders
Ease of cleaning and maintaining
• Always a clean machine thanks to automatic circuit cleaning
• Easy cleaning thanks to removable brewing group