Hoya HD Filter UV 82mm Y500137 Manual De Usuario

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D I G I TA L   C A M E R A S   N E E D
T H E   C L E A R   A D VA N TAG E
Take a bare glass filter, hold it so that light reflection off the
surface can be seen.  Then take a long, very thin object like a
pin or the tip of a pen and hold it over the filter so that its
reflection can be seen. There will actually be two reflections
of the pin on the surface, one a little more pronounced than
the other.  The more pronounced reflection is from the front
surface and the lighter one is from light reflecting off the rear
surface.  Now try it with a HOYA Digital Multi-Coated filter and
see how much more dim the reflection is, a dimmer reflection
means less light is reflected off the surface of the glass.
Digital camera CCD or CMOS sensors are highly 
susceptible to reflections - this stray light can ruin your
photographs!  Don't risk your valuable photos by using
bare-glass filters.
digital multi-coated
HOYA-Catalog-2012-Inter1B.qx:HOYA New Catalog-V3-THK.qx  12/09/09  19:58  Page 3