Fujifilm X100T 16440642 Manual De Usuario

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State-of-the-art viewfinder. Real-time parallax correction.
During MF, the accurate shooting area is 
displayed in real time while focusing.
T he hybrid view f inder, a key se lling point of the 
X10 0 se r ie s, has be e n f ur the r evol ve d.Pa ralla x, 
th e g a p b et we e n th e s h o oti n g ra n g e f ra m e a n d 
actual shooting range when shooting close up, is 
au to m ati c a ll y c o r re cte d i n re a l tim e. Ref ra mi n g 
af ter focusing is no longer necessar y.
Optical viewfinder (OVF)
Displays LCD panel information 
on the optical image
Electronic rangefinder (ERF)
Displays the enlarged focus area 
on the optical viewfinder
Electronic viewfinder (EVF)
Displays the LCD panel’s image 
and information
A world's first in optical viewfinders. 
The newly-developed electronic rangefinder
Never before possible, high-level manual focus was realized 
for the first time for the optical viewfinder.
For the first time ever; highly accurate manual focusing in an optical view finder. The simultaneous 
display of the EVF area on the screen of the optical viewfinder enables accurate focusing in real time. 
All you need to do is to turn the focus ring and bring the subject in the EVF area into focus, just like 
focusing with a rangefinder. In addition, Focus Peaking and Digital Split Image can be selected and 
the magnification of the focused area can be changed.
Brand new inter face
A new sophisticated design is 
u s e d   f o r   t h e   f i n d e r   d i s p l a y.  
Screen information is now even 
e asie r to se e.
OVF/E VF switch lever
Part of the optical image is cropped, 
and the focus area enlarged by the EVF is 
projected in the space.
I love the optical viewfinder because it gives me the rangefinder experience while shooting and 
the electronic viewfinder is very helpful when I start to get close to a subject and I want to make sure 
my composition is not compromised by parallax. The Fuji X100T is 
my desert island camera. It is my constant companion.
—— Zack Arias
Zack Arias
Country : U.S.A.
Profile : I am an editorial and commercial photographer. 
My style and approach is simple, straightforward, bold, classic, 
true and straight from camera.My greatest talents are the ability 
to mix with any class of people and to get nervous subjects 
to relax in front of my camera.
Simple & highly functional. Advanced hybrid viewfinder.
T he hy br id v i ew f ind e r a ll ows you to switc h bet we e n opti c a l a nd 
electronic options with a single lever. The new electronic range-
finder feature is selected in the same way.
When using the electronic view finder (E VF ), pull the lever to the right to switch to the optical view finder 
(OVF ). When it is pulled again, it switches back to E VF. When using the optical view finder, push the lever 
to the lef t to select the electronic rangefinder.
*1  As of August 2014.
F2.8 1/280sec. ISO200
EVF display
Optical image 
Electronic rangefinder
Enlarged view of 
the focus area
Focus area