Rigol DS2202A 2-channel oscilloscope, Digital Storage oscilloscope, DS2202A Hoja De Datos

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DC Offset Accuracy
±0.1 div ± 2 mV ± 1% offset value
Channel to Channel Isolation
DC to maximum bandwidth: >40 dB
Trigger Level Range
± 5 div from center of the screen
± 4 V
Trigger Mode
Auto, Normal, Single
Holdoff Range
100 ns to 10 s
High Frequency Rejection
75 kHz 
Low Frequency Rejection
75 kHz 
Trigger Sensitivity
1 div (below 10 mV or noise rejection is enabled)
0.3 div (above 10 mV and noise rejection is disabled)
Edge Trigger
Edge Type
Rising, Falling, Rising&Falling
Pulse Trigger
Pulse Condition
Positive Pulse Width (greater than, lower than, within specific interval)
Negative Pulse Width (greater than, lower than, within specific interval)
Pulse Width Range
2 ns to 4 s
Runt Trigger
Pulse Width Condition
None, >, <, <>
Pulse Polarity
Positive, Negative 
Pulse Width Range
2 ns to 4 s
Windows Trigger (Option)
Windows Type
Rising, Falling, Rising&Falling
Trigger Position
Enter, Exit, Time
Windows Time
16 ns to 4 s
Nth Edge Trigger (Option)
Edge Type
Rising, Falling
Idle Time
16 ns to 10 s
Edge Number
1 to 65535
Slope Trigger
Slope Condition
Positive Slope (greater than, lower than, within specific interval)
Negative Slope (greater than, lower than, within specific interval)
Time Setting
2 ns to 4 s
Video Trigger (HDTV Option)
Signal Standard
Support standard NTSC, PAL and SECAM broadcasting standards; support 480P, 576P, 720P, 1080P and 
1080I HDTV standards
Pattern Trigger
Pattern Setting
H, L, X, Rising, Falling
Delay Trigger (Option)
Edge Type
Rising, Falling
Delay Type
>, <, <>, ><
Delay Time
2 ns to 4 s
TimeOut Trigger (Option)
Edge Type
Rising, Falling, Rising&Falling
Timeout time
16 ns to 4 s
Duration Trigger (Option)
H, L, X
Trigger Condition
>, <, <>
Duration Time
2 ns to 4 s
Setup/Hold Trigger
Edge Type
Rising, Falling
Data Type
H, L
Setup Time
2 ns to 1 s
Hold Time
2 ns to 1 s
RS232/UART Trigger
Normal, Invert
Trigger Condition
Start, Error, Check Error, Data
Baud Rate
2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38400 bps, 57600 bps, 115200 bps, User 
Data Bits
5 bit, 6 bit, 7 bit, 8 bit
I2C Trigger
Trigger Condition
Start, Restart, Stop, Missing ACK, Address, Data, A&D
Address Bits
7 bit, 8 bit, 10 bit
Address Range
0 to 127, 0 to 255, 0 to 1023
Byte Length
1 to 5