Gw Instek GDS-2074A 4-channel oscilloscope, Digital Storage oscilloscope, GDS-2074A Hoja De Datos

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Segmented Memory Acquisition Overview 
The advanced segmented memory utility allows the scope memory 
to be divided into different segments. Each time the scope is 
triggered, it only acquires data for one segment of memory at a 
time. This allows you to optimize the scope memory to only 
perform signal acquisition during important signal events.  
For example, for a signal with a number of pulses, normally the 
oscilloscope will acquire the signal until the acquisition memory of 
the scope is filled up and then it will re-arm the trigger and then 
capture again. This could result in a number of events not being 
captured or captured at a less-than-desired resolution (depending 
on the horizontal scale and sampling rate). However, the 
segmented memory function would effectively allow you to 
capture more of the signal than you would otherwise. The 
diagrams below illustrate this point. 
Normal acquisition mode example: 
Normal memory acquisition period
Rearm time
Next trigger