Texas Instruments The ADC11DV200 is a dual 11-Bit, 200 Msps A/D Converter ADC11DV200EB/NOPB ADC11DV200EB/NOPB Hoja De Datos

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Input signals can also be amplified using an onboard 
LMH6517 DVGA (U601). To use the DVGA, some 
components must be installed and some removed. The 
following components must be installed: R651-R656. The 
following components must be removed: R302, R303, 
R309, and R310. Then connect signals from a 50-Ohm 
source to connectors J601 and J607.  
4.2 ADC reference circuitry 
The ADC10DV200 can use an internal or external voltage 
reference. The internal reference is selectable between a 
0.75V or 0.5V reference. External references can be set 
from 0.2V to 1.4V. This Evaluation Board is configured to 
use the internal 0.75V reference.  
4.3 ADC clock circuit 
Components can be installed or removed to select the 
path of the clock to the ADC. While not as convenient as 
pin-type jumpers, these introduce less distortion into the 
clock signal.  
Care must be taken to provide a high quality low jitter 
clock source. A single ended input clock can be buffered 
by U203 (NC7SV125) and applied to the ADC’s  clock 
input pin. Or U203 can be bypassed and the input clock 
pin driven directly.  
A differential clock can also be applied to the ADC’s clock 
input pins through U201 (ETC-1-13). 
Refer to Appendix A to configure the clock for your 
application. The Evaluation Board is configured by default 
to use a single ended clock to drive the input pins directly. 
4.4 Digital Data Output 
The LVDS digital output data is available for probing at 
test points TP601 through TP624. The signals are also 
available at the WaveVision™ (WV5) connector J602.  
4.5 Data  Format/ Duty Cycle Stabilizer 
Output data format and the duty cycle stabilizer (DCS) 
are controlled by jumper J401.  
Shorting pins 1-2 of J401 sets the output format to offset 
binary with DCS On. This is the default setting. 
Shorting pins 3-4 of J401 sets the output format to 2’s 
complement with DCS Off.  
Shorting pins 5-6 of J401 sets the output format to offset 
binary with DCS Off. 
Shorting pins 7-8 of J401 sets the output format to 2’s 
complement with DCS On. 
4.6 Power Supply Connections 
Power to this board is supplied through power connector 
J507. The only supply needed is +5V at pin 2 plus ground 
at pin 1. 
Voltage and current requirements for the ADC10DV200 
Evaluation Board are: 
+5.0V at 500 mA 
5.0 Installing the ADC10DV200 Evaluation Board 
The evaluation board requires power supplies as 
described in Section 4.6. An appropriate signal source 
should be connected to the Signal Input SMA connectors  
J301 or J302. When evaluating dynamic performance, an 
appropriate signal generator (such as the HP8644B or the 
R&S SME-03) with 50 Ohm source impedance should be 
connected to the Analog Input connector through an 
appropriate bandpass filter as even the best signal 
generator available can not produce a signal pure enough 
to evaluate the dynamic performance of an ADC. 
If this board is used in conjunction with the 
WaveVision5™  Data Capture Board and WaveVision5™ 
software, a USB must be connected between the Data 
Capture Board Board and the host. See  the 
WaveVision5™  Data Capture Board manual for details.