Atmel Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit ATSAMD20-XPRO ATSAMD20-XPRO Hoja De Datos

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3 - When a GCLK is locked and the generator used by the locked GCLK is 
not GCLK generator 1, issuing a GCLK software reset will lock up the GCLK 
with the SYNCBUSY flag always set. Errata reference: 10645
Do not issue a GCLK SWRST or map GCLK generator 1 to ""locked"" GCLKs.
35.3.6 XOSC32K
1 - The automatic amplitude control of the XOSC32K does not work. Errata 
reference: 10933
Use the XOSC32K with Automatic Amplitude control disabled 
35.3.7 DFLL48M
1 - If the firmware writes to the DFLLMUL.MUL register in the same cycle as 
the closed loop mode tries to update it, the fine calibration will first be reset 
to midpoint and then incremented/decremented by the closed loop mode. 
Then the coarse calibration will be performed with the updated fine value. If 
this happens before the dfll have got a lock, the new fine calibration value 
can be anything between 128-DFLLMUL.FSTEP and 128+DFLLMUL.FSTEP 
which could give smaller calibration range for the fine calibration. Errata 
reference: 10634
Always wait until the DFLL48M has locked before writing the DFLLMUL.MUL 
2 - The DFLL clock must be requested before being configured otherwise a 
write access to a DFLL register can freeze the device. Errata reference: 9905
Write a zero to the DFLL ONDEMAND bit in the DFLLCTRL register before 
configuring the DFLL module.
3 - Changing the DFLLVAL.FINE calibration bits of the DFLL48M Digital 
Frequency Locked Loop might result in a short output frequency overshoot. 
This might occur both in open loop mode while writing DFLLVAL.FINE by 
software and closed loop mode when the DFLL automatically adjusts its 
output frequency. Errata reference: 10537
- When using DFLL48M in open loop mode, be sure the DFLL48M is not used by 
any module while DFLLVAL.FINE is written.
- When using DFLL48M in closed loop mode, be sure that DFLLCTRL.STABLE is 
written to 1. The DFLL clock should not be used by any modules until the DFLL 
locks are set.