Futaba Hendheld RC 2.4 GHz No. of channels: 14 1-F8075 Hoja De Datos

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<Functions of Model Menu (Helicopter Functions)>
● Select the function name
and return to the Model
menu  by  touching  the 
R T N   b u t t o n .   O r   t h e 
H O M E / E X I T   b u t t o n   i s
PIT to RUD mixing (Revolution mixing)
Use this mix when you want to suppress the 
reaction torque generated by main rotor pitch and 
speed changes during pitch operation. Adjust so 
that the nose does not move in the rudder direction.
<Normal condition mixing curve>
 The mixing curve rate should be started
using smaller values.
 For  a  rotor  with  a  clockwise  operation
direction, when pitch was input at the plus
side, set these parameters so that mixing
is in the clockwise direction. First, trim at
hovering  and  then  adjust  the  neutral
1. Adjustment between slow and hovering
 Repeatedly hover from take off and land
at a constant rate matched to your own
rhythm. Then adjust the pitch so that the
nose  of  the  helicopter  remains  steady
when the throttle is raised and lowered.
2. Throttle high side (climbing and diving from
 Repeat climbing and diving from hovering
at a constant rate matched to your own
rhythm and adjust the pitch so that the nose
does not deflect when the throttle is raised
and lowered.
Note: When a GY Series or other heading hold 
gyro is used, since correction is performed by 
the gyro, this mix is not utilized. If this function 
is used when the gyro operation mode is the 
AVCS mode, the neutral position will change.
<Idle up condition mixing curve>
 Set the mixing rate so that the rudder direction
at high-speed flight is straight ahead. Adjust for
each condition used.
●  Select  [PIT  to  RUD]  at  the  Model
menu and access the setup screen
shown below by touching the RTN
(Currently selected condition name)
● Moving cursor
● Selecting mode
● Adjusting value
● To next page
Setting method
●Activate the mixing
 When using this function, move the cursor to
the [ACT] item and touch the RTN button to
switch to the data input mode.
 Select the ACT mode by scrolling the touch
*The display blinks.
 Touch the RTN button to activate the mixing
and  return  to  the  cursor  mode.  (ON  is
●5-point curve setting
 Move the cursor to the curve rate setting
item you want to adjust and touch the RTN
button to switch to the data input mode.
 Adjust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
 Initial value: P1~P5: 0%
 Adjustment range: -100%~+100%
*When the RTN button is touched for one second, the rate is 
reset to the initial value.)
 Touch the RTN button to end the adjustment
and return to the cursor mode.
 Repeat this procedure for each point.
●Pitch curve copy function
 Move the cursor to COPY item and touch the
RTN button to switch to the data input mode.
Select  the  copy  destination  condition  by
scrolling the touch sensor and touch the RTN
button. Select the [YES] and touch the RTN