Intel N2820 FH8065301616603 Hoja De Datos

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Low Power Engine (LPE) for Audio (I
above the most significant bit (that is, DMA and CPU access do not have to write to the 
unused bit locations). Logic in the Enhanced SSP automatically formats data in the 
Transmit FIFO so that the sample is properly transmitted on I2Sx_DATAOUT in the 
selected frame format.
Two separate and independent FIFOs are present for Transmit (to peripheral) and 
Receive (from peripheral) serial data. FIFOs are filled or emptied by programmed I/O or 
DMA bursts.
Programmed IO Considerations
FIFO filling and emptying can be performed by the processor in response to an 
Interrupt from the FIFO logic. Each FIFO has a programmable FIFO trigger threshold at 
which an Interrupt is triggered. When the number of entries in the Receive FIFO 
exceeds the SSCR1.RFT value, an interrupt is generated (if enabled), which signals the 
CPU to empty the Receive FIFO. When the number of entries in the Transmit FIFO is 
less than or equal to the SSCR1.TFT value plus 1, an Interrupt is generated (if 
enabled), which signals the CPU to refill the Transmit FIFO.
Users can also poll the Enhanced SSP Status register to determine how many samples 
are in a FIFO, and whether the FIFO is full or empty. Software is responsible for 
ensuring that the proper RFT and TFT values are chosen to prevent ROR and TUR error 
If the software attempts to read from an empty Receive FIFO, it will receive a duplicate 
of the previously read value.
DMA Considerations
The DMA controller can also be programmed to transfer data to and from the Enhanced 
SSP FIFOs. To prevent over-runs of the Transmit FIFO or under-runs of the Receive 
FIFO when using the DMA, be careful when setting the Transmit and Receive FIFO 
trigger threshold levels.
There are restrictions on how the DMA can be programmed when used with the SSP 
The DMA Transfer Width must be greater than or equal to the SSP data size. For 
example if the SSP Data Size is 16b then the DMA Transfer Width should be 16b. 
The DMA may not support the DMA Transfer Width of the SSP Data Size and 
therefore the DMA Transfer Width must be larger than the SSP Data Size. If this is 
the case then software must manage any extra data bits.
The DMA Burst Transaction Length for RX must be less than or equal to the RX 
The DMA Burst Transaction Length for TX must be less than or equal to the number 
of empty locations in the TX FIFO. A safe value is the Total TX FIFO Size - TX 
DMA must be in Fixed Address mode to read or write the SSP Data Register.