Test-Um VALIDATOR-NT NT955 Manual De Usuario

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Test-Um NT955 Series
4.4. Custom Cable Definitions
The Custom Cable Definitions screen shows all defined cable types 
loaded into the Validator-NT from the current job and what category 
of test is performed on each type.  The soft keys, F1 thru F3, allow for 
adding, editing, and deleting cable information. (Figure 4.10)
The recommended procedure is to create Custom Cable Definitions in 
Plan-Um and upload them to Validator-NT. However, by following the 
steps outlined below you can also create Custom Cable Definitions and 
Save them directly in your Validator-NT.
Custom Cable Types will only be saved to the current job unless you 
create a Template File to store and retrieve this information.
1.  Select 
Auto Test from the Start screen. Select Custom Cable 
2.  Modify a default cable type or select New using the soft keys. 
Select Cable Type:  Data, Phone, or 2-wire.
3.  To create a New Custom Cable Definition, use the alphanumeric 
keypad to enter the information into each field.  Press Accept 
when you are finished entering data into each field and to 
advance to the next field.  You may also use the arrow keys on 
your keypad to navigate between fields.  Backspace and Delete 
soft keys are provided to facilitate editing of information.
4.  To edit an existing cable definition, use the alphanumeric keypad 
to modify the test parameters in each field.  Press Accept or use 
the arrow keys to advance to the next field. 
5.  Length constant is used to calculate length measurements and 
may be adjusted for custom cable types depending upon their 
capacitance rating.  Figure 5.1 displays typical cable length 
6.  Typical settings for custom cable types will include a Minimum 
SNR of 20 dB and Maximum SKEW of 35 nanoseconds on 
Ethernet cable rated for gigabit speed.
7.  Wire Mapping, Pair Polarities, and Split Test selections are 
available using the drop down menus. 
 How AutoTest Works