Oracle Audio Technologies ORACLE9I B10508-01 Manual De Usuario

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Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HP Alpha OpenVMS
To avoid confusion, always use the appropriate concealed logical name to specify 
the file that you want to edit
For example, to edit a clusterwide version of 
 refer to:
If you referred to:
then the server would open the clusterwide file but save it as a system-specific 
version.  The latest version of HTTPD.CONF would then be visible only to the 
individual node on which it was saved.
Within HTTPD.CONF itself, you should make this distinction whenever you refer to 
a path or to a file location
This improves performance and ensures that the server 
will return a complete directory listing
For example, you should specify 
 or APACHE$SPECIFIC (instead of APACHE$ROOT) with Directory 
The following extract, from the HTTPD.CONF file, refers to APACHE$COMMON 
because the content for the default web page is in the clusterwide directories.
DocumentRoot "/apache$common/htdocs"
<Directory "/apache$common/htdocs">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
If there were content for one specific node in a cluster, the APACHE$SPECIFIC 
logical name would be used.
Mixed-Architecture Cluster
In a mixed-architecture cluster, do not use a cluster alias IP address with the Oracle 
HTTP Server
Because the VAX systems will not have the Oracle HTTP Server 
running, they will not be able to service HTTP requests.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs execute within the DCL shell on the 
Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS
Please note the following OpenVMS specific 