Lucent Technologies Caller ID Box 585-210-939 Manual De Usuario

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CentreVu® CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Interactions with Switch Features and Tracking of Switch Capabilities
Data Tracking 
Personal Call Tracking offers the following data tracking capabilities:
Data is available for calls on hold, time for calls on hold, and calls 
abandoned from hold. Without personal call tracking, time for calls 
on hold was counted as talk time.
CentreVu CMS split and agent data reflect calls made while another 
call is on hold.
When an agent places a call on hold, the agent returns to his or her 
previous state before the call unless the previous state was AVAIL. If 
the agent was in the AVAIL state, the agent is placed in the OTHER 
state until the agent dials a valid number (if the number dialed is 
invalid, the agent remains in OTHER), reconnects to the held call, or 
the held call abandons. When the agent reconnects to the held call, 
the agent returns to the original state for the call. 
Agents do not have a HOLD state. Hold time is associated with a 
call placed on hold. Agent states reflect the current activity of the 
HOLDTIME is the time the call spent on hold. HOLDCALLS is the 
number of calls that were placed on hold at least once, and 
HOLDABNCALLS is the number of calls that were abandoned while 
on hold.
I_OTHERTIME is the time during the collection interval that the 
agent was doing other work. 
For Generic 3 switches, this includes time while in the Auto-In or 
Manual-In mode during which the agent put a call on hold and 
performed no further action, the agent placed a call or activated a 
feature, or a personal call rang with no further activity.
When an agent dials a valid extension, the agent’s state changes to 
AUXOUT (if the agent was in AUX or OTHER) or to ACWOUT (if the 
agent was in ACW).
Hold Tracking for 
Supervisor Assist 
The following example shows how 
CentreVu CMS tracks hold calls with 
the new database items.