Lucent Technologies Caller ID Box 585-210-939 Manual De Usuario

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Database Items and Calculations 
CentreVu® CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items
VDN tables
The number of ACDCALLS that were delivered to and answered by this 
split/skill by a vector command other than "queue to main" and the 
number of ACDCALLS that were delivered to a split/skill by a “queue to” 
vector command answered by an agent that has neither reserve1 or 
reserve2 skill levels assigned for that skill. This allows tracking of calls 
answered by agents with a reserve1 or reserve2 skill level assigned for a 
particular skill. Calls answered in the main split/skill can then be 
calculated as ACDCALLS - BACKUPCALLS. However, this calculation 
does not include direct agent calls. BACKUPCALLS includes "messaging 
split/skill" calls, "check backup" calls, and calls that route to a split/skill or 
direct agent, either by the "route to" vector command or by adjunct 
routing. Calls that are redirected back to the split/skill using the 
Redirection on No Answer feature and then answered are also counted 
as BACKUPCALLS. NOTE: The Redirect on No Answer to VDN routing 
feature is available on the 
DEFINITY ECS. Available on Generic 3 
switches and the ECS with the vectoring feature.
This is a cumulative item.
(daily only)
Database tables
The BH_ABNCALLS item appears in the following database tables:
Trunk group tables
The number of incoming calls carried by the trunk group that abandoned 
during the busy hour.
This is a busy hour item.
VDN tables
The number of INCALLS that were abandoned by callers during the busy 
This is a busy hour item.