Intermate InterForm400 AS/400 Manual De Usuario

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User’s Manual for InterForm400®   
2. Work with soft fonts for PCL
This function gives you the possibility to work with soft fonts, create soft fonts from TTF
files and to download soft fonts to printers.
          Work with PCL Soft Fonts                                     FNT310D  
 Position to . . . . . .   __________   Font member name                    
 Type options, press Enter.                                                   
   2=Change   4=Delete   5=Display   6=Print   8=Dsp. attributes   9=Download   
 Opt   Member      Font description                                             
  _    TTFFONT     TrueType TTFFONT                                             
  _    BARCODE39   Code 39,  HPIII      7.69CPI  72.0 Heigh                     
  _    BAR128      Code 128, Portrait   9.09CPI  72.0 Heigh                     
  _    CODE128     Code 128, Portrait   9.09CPI  48.0 Heigh                     
  _    CODE128_0   Code 128, Portrait   6.81CPI  42.48Heigh                     
  _    CODE39      Code 39,  Portrait   5.76CPI  48.0 Heigh                     
  _    EAN8_MICRO  EAN 8/13, UPC-A, PCL5      14.28CPI  41.76Heigh              
  _    EAN8JJ      EAN 8/13, UPC-A, Portrait  10.71CPI  79.68Heigh              
  _    FONT2501    Interleaved 2 of 5, HPIII      4.68CPI  32.4 Heigh           
  _    IF_OCRA     OCRA             PC-850                                      
  _    IF_OCRAEXT  OCR A Extended   PC-850                                      
  _    IF_OCRB     InterForm 400 - OCRB portrait                                
  _    IF_OCRB_L   InterForm 400 - OCRB landscape                               
 F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F12=Cancel                                  
Here you can specify :
The description of a soft font can be changed.
Delete a soft font. This will also delete the corresponding member from the apf3812/font
file. Note that you cannot delete a soft font, if it is specified to be auto downloaded.
Displays a soft font. This will prompt you for what code page to use, and then open up the
PCL Viewer, SwiftView on a PC showing a sample of the soft font. Note, that the current
version of SwiftView does not support True Type Fonts.
Prints out a sample of the soft font. You are prompted for which code page, output queue
and form type to use.
8=Dsp. Attributes:
Shows the attributes of the soft font e.g. pitch and height. For True Type Fonts it will also
show you the type face used. The type face should be referred to, when creating font
numbers using this soft font.
This function gives you the possibility of downloading soft fonts to HP-printers or printers
emulating a HP-printer via AS/400 spool entries.
The following screen is shown: