Intermate InterForm400 AS/400 Manual De Usuario

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    User’s Manual for InterForm400
           Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D
 Overlay name: MYDEMO      Overlay text: Mydemo          
 Seqnbr. Type  Overlay definition                              
  0017    9    Remap window 30-042 pos 15-025  top 5,060  left 3,000 C  
  0018    9    Remap window 30-042 pos 26-039  top 5,060  left 4,000 C  
  0019    9    Remap window 30-042 pos 40-053  top 5,060  left 5,000 C  
  0020    9    Remap window 38-042 pos 54-070  top 5,060  left 6,000 C  
 In this function you can move the overlay up/down or left/rigth on the page.   
 Line interval to be moved . . . . . . :  0016_ - 0020_   
 Distance to move:                                          
       - to the right +/- _______               
       - downwards    +/- 0,040__                    
1 line at 6 lpi is 1/6" equaling 40 pels (40/240") meaning our vertical movement should be
0,040. When we press Enter we discover that the top position of the entire range changes
from 5,060 to 5,100.
Step 10. Defining the Column Headers White on Black
Now we would like to make the column headers appear with white text on a black
First we will need to define a black box, which is created as a frame with black filling. It is
very important that the frame is defined in a sequence line before the text in order to place
it as a background for the text.
We therefore insert a line before line 11 which is the remapping of the column header
Insertion between line 10 and 11 is done by typing the sequence line number 10,1
followed by Field Exit:
          Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D  
 Overlay name: MYDEMO      Overlay text: Mydemo                                 
 Seqnbr. Type  Overlay definition                                               
  0009    8    Tabulator lin.043-055 pos 08-080 left 4,000C font 9903           
  0010    8    Tabulator lin.043-055 pos 08-080 left 4,000C font 9903           
  0011    9    Remap window 28-028 pos 08-014  top 5,060  left 2,000 C          
  0012    9    Remap window 28-028 pos 15-025  top 5,060  left 3,000 C          
  0013    9    Remap window 28-028 pos 26-039  top 5,060  left 4,000 C          
  0014    9    Remap window 28-028 pos 40-053  top 5,060  left 5,000 C          
  0015    9    Remap window 28-028 pos 54-070  top 5,060  left 6,000 C          
  0016    9    Remap window 28-028 pos 08-014  top 5,100  left 2,000 C        + 
 Seqnbr. Type                                 Inch.pel     Repetition       
   10,1   1    Frame         Top edge           05,030     Move right   _______    
                             Left edge          01,120     Move down    _______    
                             Right edge         06,116     Extra times     ___  
                             Bottom edge        05,068                          
                             Thikness in pels      001     NW NE SW SE          
                             Round/Sharp (R S)  S  Radius  __ __ __ __              
                             Fill pattern       8 F4=List            
 F3=Exit             F18=DSPSPLF                             F12=Cancel