Edelweiss EQ1-DYN Manual De Usuario

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See Graph 1: Front Panel Elements, 
Snapshots are copies of the EQ1 parameter set-
tings. This allows recalling complete set-ups in-
cluding all filter parameters and controls settings.
Snapshots can be recalled from the front panel or
by remote control (e.g. MIDI Program Change).
A-B Comparison
You can compare two settings by using the two
workspaces “A” and “B”. To toggle between the
two press the “A-B” key. Restore a snapshot or
simply adjust the filters in one workspace, then
switch to the other to compare.
To copy workspace “A” to “B” or vice versa,
press the “copy” key and select an option (Graph
Graph 6: "copy" menu
The active workspace is shown in the status dis-
To recall a snapshot press the “recall” key. No-
tice that the snapshot will be copied into the ac-
tive workspace. If you do not want to lose
these settings, switch to the other workspace by
pressing the “A-B” key.
Using the “gain/ data” encoder enter the number
of the snapshot you want to recall. The graph of
the snapshot will be displayed in preview mode
(outlined) to facilitate finding a certain setting.
However, the audio signal is not affected if the
“Preview” option is marked. Once you have found
the snapshot, press key D to restore it.
If the “Preview” option is not marked, the
snapshots will be recalled as soon as you en-
ter a new number.
Press the “recall” key to return to the status dis-
“Recall   0”
Snapshot 0 is used as a resetting curve. To reset
the current workspace, press the “recall” key
then the“ Recall   0” key.
To store the current workspace to a snapshot,
press the “store” key. With the “gain/ data” en-
coder enter the snapshot number where you
want to store the workspace, then press key D.
Snapshots can be prevented from accidental era-
sure by marking the “Safe” option.
A setting can be stored to multiple snapshots.
Press “To Range”  in the  “store” menu.
Graph 7: Store To Range Menu
Press the adjacent keys to select “Start” and
“End” snapshot number, use the “gain/ data” en-
coder to enter a value (Graph 7). Pressing “Exe-
cute” will store the setting from the displayed
workspace (“A” or “B”) to all  snapshots between
the Start and End value. A “Safe” snapshot will
not be overwritten.
All 128 snapshots can be transferred to another
non-volatile memory area for later reference.
There is enough memory for two complete snap-
shot sets to be backed up.
Press the “menu” key then choose the “System”
and then the “Backup” option to arrive at the
backup display (Graph 8).