Follett VERSION 6.00 Manual De Usuario

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Circulation Desk
You can view the status of a hold or reserve from the Holds/Reserves window or
the Hold Queue. The queue lists all the patrons waiting to receive a copy of an
item. You can get to the Hold Queue from either the Holds/Reserves window or
the Copy Status window (see page 134) by clicking Holds/Reserves.
Placing a hold or reserve for a patron
To place a hold or reserve for a patron, follow these steps:
1. In the Holds/Reserves window, click New. The New Hold/Reserve dialog
The Specific Copy box is
disabled until you select a title.
2. To select the type of hold or reserve, click the appropriate radio button. For a
reserve, enter the date that the patron needs the item.
3. To select the title on which to place the hold, click the Select button under
Title. The Find Title dialog appears:
Click Find to start the search.
Type the search
string here.
4. After locating the title, highlight it and click Select. If you are placing a hold
on the first available (any) copy, click Save on the New Hold/Reserve dialog.