Follett VERSION 6.00 Manual De Usuario

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System Setup
Notes tab
Use the Funding Source Notes tab to capture any notes you want to store for a
particular funding source. This is a freeform text entry field.
 We recommend that you click Save at each stage of a funding source add. If
you decide to cancel an add at any point, none of the changes are saved.
Setting the default information
The Acquisitions Defaults tab is where you enter any shipto/billto information
you want to use for ordering. This information includes the information a vendor
would need to contact your school or library. By default, contact person name
and school address established in Site Setup populate this tab, but this
information is editable.
1. Enter the name of the person at your school or library who the vendor would
contact concerning an order.
2. Enter the contact person's telephone number.
3. Enter the contact's Fax number.
4. Enter the contact's email address.
5. Click Bill To to enter address information in a freeform text box.