Audio-Technica Mixer AT-MX381 Manual De Usuario

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Starting the SmartMixer Software application 
Click on the AT_MX381 icon on the desktop to launch the 
SmartMixer Software. An alternative would be to Click on 
Start > Programs and locate the AT-MX381 application.  
The software starts and displays an information dialog box. 
At this dialog, select the language for the application 
(English) and the port number for the serial port connected 
to the AT-MX381.  
Turn on the power to all AT-MX381 SmartMixers, starting 
with any slave units and then the master. 
Click OK in information dialog box to start the SmartMixer 
Software application. An AT-MX381 splash screen appears 
followed by the main control screen showing the current 
settings for the connected Mixer (Master). 
The Auto LED (master section) of the Master Mixer begins 
to flash, indicating the software is controlling the mixer. At 
this point all front panel functions configurable by the 
computer or front panel buttons are locked out. 
Main Configuration Window – Channel Setting Tab 
The SmartMixer Software application opens 
to a main window with the Master mixer’s 
settings appearing in a sub window. 
A menu bar at the top of the main window 
allows access to File settings, Window 
(Mixer selection), CPU (Firmware download), 
and Help. (See Menu descriptions for 
detailed information on each item.) 
Two “tabs” at the top of the sub window allow 
for selection between the Channel Settings 
and System Settings for the selected Mixer. 
The view defaults to the Channel Setting tab.  
The small rectangle at the lower right of the 
window is a progress bar that becomes 
active when settings are copied. 
The AT-MX381 SmartMixer’s channel settings appear in columns with the channel number at the top. The 
first column lists the items that can be configured for each channel. In the upper left corner is a button that 
allows channel one’s settings to be copied to all of the other channels. Across the bottom of the window 
are “Initialize” buttons. When clicked, these will set the selected channel or ALL channels to their factory 
default configurations. 
When the program starts, it reads and displays the current settings for the connected mixer(s).