Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV Manual De Usuario

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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Setting Up Turbo PMAC-Based Commutation and/or Current Loop 
Establishing a Phase Reference 
When commutating a synchronous multi-phase motor such as a permanent-magnet brushless motor, the 
commutation algorithm must know the absolute position of the rotor.  With an absolute sensor such as a 
resolver, the phase referencing must be done just once, on assembly of the system.  With an incremental 
sensor such as an incremental optical encoder, the phase referencing must be done every time the system 
is powered up.  If incremental sensor power on signal is lost, even if controller power is retained, the 
phase referencing must be done again before enabling the signal. 
Hall-effect commutation sensors, or their equivalent on an optical encoder, are absolute, but of a very low 
resolution (+30oe).  In a high-performance application, they are suitable to create a rough, temporary 
phase reference, permitting movement until a more accurate reference is established. 
The index pulse on an incremental encoder is absolute with high accuracy, but in general, there must be 
movement before this pulse is reached.  This requires at least a rough phasing, either from a low-
resolution absolute sensor such as hall effect, or from a power-on phasing search. 
It is important for the safety of the machine that a reliable phase referencing 
method be used, whether with an absolute or incremental sensor.  If the phase 
reference is incorrect by more than 1/4 of the phasing cycle, runaway will occur 
when the servo loop is closed.  Test the phase referencing carefully with a bare 
motor before attaching a load, to make sure the method is reliable.  Before 
attaching a load, make sure that the Turbo PMAC fatal following error limit 
parameter Ixx11 and the amplifier overcurrent fault are active and working 
properly.  Also make sure that required mechanical protections are in place. 
These tests require that both the commutation and current loop be working properly.  Double-check that 
the setup variables are correct for these actions, especially ones that may have been changed for earlier 
tests.  For motor 1, make sure: 
I100=1 to activate the motor 
I101=1 to enable commutation 
I170 and I171 are set to their proper value 
For these tests, we will want access to the motor phase position register, where Turbo PMAC keeps track 
of where it is in the phase cycle.  The phase position register is 48 bits long, using both X and Y memory.  
The Y-memory portion of this register has only fractional information, so we will use only the X-memory 
portion.  Its units are (counts*Ixx70).  The registers are: 
Phase Position Angle Registers 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
Address X:$00B4 
X:$0234 X:$02B4 X:$0334 X:$03B4 X:$0434 
# 9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
Address X:$04B4 
X:$0634 X:$06B4 X:$0734 X:$07B4 X:$0834 
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 
Address X:$08B4 
X:$0AB4 X:$0B34 X:$0BB4 X:$0C34 
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 
Address X:$0CB4 
X:$0E34 X:$0EB4 X:$0F34 X:$0FB4 X:$1034