Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV Manual De Usuario

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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Motor Compensation Tables and Constants 
; Hi-res interpolation of Servo IC 2 Channel 1 (PMAC1 IC) 
; Read ADCs from Servo IC 2 Channel 1 
; Bias term of 4 LSBs of 12-bit ADCs 
; Hi-res interpolation of Servo IC 3 Channel 1 (PMAC2 IC) 
; Read ADCs from Servo IC 3 Channel 1 
; Zero bias term 
Acc-28 Analog-to-Digital Converters 
The conversion table can process the data from the 16-bit A/D converters of Acc-28 boards or their 
equivalent.  The source address is that of the A/D converter register in the IC that interfaces to the accessory. 
Standard A/D conversion (Method digit $1) 
This method takes the value in the A/D converter (without integrating it) and shifts it to leave the LSB in 
bit 5 of the result – what Turbo PMAC software considers a count.  If the A/D converter provides a 
signed value (Acc-28A), the mode-switch bit should be set to 0; if the A/D converter provides an 
unsigned value (Acc-28B, 28E), the mode-switch bit should be set to 1.  This is a single-line entry. 
Common source addresses are: 
Acc-28A/B into PMAC channel 1 – 4: $78006, $78007, $7800E, $7800F 
Acc-28B into PMAC2 channel 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B: $78005, $78006, $7800D, $7800E 
Acc-28E as first I/O board, channel 1 – 4: $78C00, $78C01, $78C02, $78C03 
; Conversion of Servo IC 0 ADC 1 (PMAC1 IC), signed 
; Conversion of Servo IC 1 ADC 1A (PMAC2 IC), unsigned 
; Conversion of first Acc-28E Channel 1, unsigned 
Integrated A/D conversion (Method digit $5) 
This method takes the value in the A/D converter, shifts it so the LSB is in bit 5 and adds it to the 
previous cycle’s result to yield a numeric integration.  If the A/D converter provides a signed value (Acc-
28A), the mode-switch bit should be set to 0; if the A/D converter provides an unsigned value (Acc-28B, 
28E), the mode-switch bit should be set to 1.  This is a double-line entry.  The second line holds a bias 
term, expressed as a 24-bit number, that is subtracted from the source A/D data (whose LSB is in bit 8) 
before the numerical integration. 
; Integration of Servo IC 0 ADC 1 (PMAC1 IC), signed 
; Bias term (3 LSBs of 16-bit ADC) 
Parallel Feedback 
The conversion table can process parallel feedback data read from a register or set of registers.  While this 
is fundamentally a copying operation, it serves several important functions: 
It copies the data into an X-register, where the servo-loop I-variables can access it (most I/O 
registers are in Y-memory). 
It can shift the data so the LSB of the source register ends in bit 5 of the result, which PMAC 
firmware treats as a count. 
It can mask out unwanted bits from the source word, and properly handle rollover and software 
It can perform a filtering function, mitigating the effect of noise in significant data bits. 
Parallel feedback data can be read from a continuous range of bits up to 24-bits wide from within a 48-bit 
range, or from 2 or 3 byte-wide pieces in consecutive registers, as from many of the UMAC I/O boards.   
Five method digits for the first setup line of the entry in the conversion table handle this case: