Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV Manual De Usuario

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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Turbo PMAC General Purpose I/O Use 
Setup Register 3: Latch Control 
Setup Register 3 at each address {Base + 0} through {Base + 5}, which is selected by writing a 1 to Bit 6 
of the Control Word at {Base + 7} and a 1 to Bit 7, is the latch control register for the Data Register at the 
same address.  Each bit of Setup Register 3 controls whether latched or unlatched data is read from the 
matching bit of the Data Register at the same address. 
A value of 0 in the bit of Setup Register 3 selects unlatched data to be read from the matching bit of the 
Data Register at the same address; a value of 1 in the bit selects latched data to be read. 
For both the latched and unlatched settings, the matching bit of Setup Register 2 controls exactly what 
type of data is read from the Data Register. 
Data Registers 
The Data Register at each address {Base + 0} through {Base + 5}, which is selected by writing a 0 to Bit 
6 of the Control Register at {Base + 7} and a 0 to Bit 7, provides the working interface for the 8 
input/output lines matched to that address.  The processor reads from or writes to the data register to 
access the input/output lines. 
If there is a value of 1 in Bit n (n = 0 to 5) of the Control Word, a write operation to the Data Register at 
address {Base + n} has no effect on the I/O line, effectively disabling the output function for all 8 lines 
associated with the register. 
A read operation from a Data Register can access one of 4 types of data for each I/O line associated with 
the register (individually selectable), depending on how the Setup Registers 2 and 3 at the same address 
have been configured. 
The following table summarizes how the Setup Register bits control what data is read in the matching bit 
of the Data Register: 
Setup Register 3 Bit Value 
Setup Register 2 Bit Value 
Data Type Read 
0 0 
Writeable Register Read 
1 0 
Converted Gray Code Read 
Pin Data Read 
If the pin value has been selected to be read, the line voltages for the eight I/O lines is read as an input, 
even if it is being driven as an output.   
Writeable Register Data Read 
If the writeable register value has been selected to be read, the value written by the processor into the data 
register is read back, even if this does not match the voltage state of the pin. 
Latched Input Read 
If the latched input has been selected to be read, the input value last latched by the falling edge of line En 
for address {Base + n} is read, even if the input value has changed since then. 
Converted Gray Code Read 
If the converted Gray code input has been selected to be read, the input value last latched by line En for 
address {Base + n} and processed through the Gray code conversion circuitry is read.