Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV Manual De Usuario

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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Writing a Host Communications Program 
EthCmd.RequestType = VR_UPLOAD; 
EthCmd.Request     = VR_PMAC_GETBUFFER; 
EthCmd.wValue      = 0; 
EthCmd.wIndex      = 0; 
EthCmd.wLength     = htons( (WORD)strlen(outstr)); 
EthCmd.bData       - Not Used 
int CALLBACK PmacSockGetBuffer(char *instr) 
   EthCmd.RequestType = VR_DOWNLOAD; 
   EthCmd.Request     = VR_PMAC_GETBUFFER; 
   EthCmd.wValue      = 0; 
   EthCmd.wIndex      = 0; 
   EthCmd.wLength     = htons( (WORD)strlen(outstr)); 
   send(sock,(char *)&EthCmd,ETHERNETCMDSIZE,0); 
   recv(sock,(char *)&instr,1400,0); 
This packet permits either setting or retrieval of the current IP address in the Ethernet interface. 
When setting the IP address to a new value it is required that the Turbo PMAC is powered down for the 
new address to take effect. 
EthCmd.RequestType = VR_UPLOAD to retrieve the IP address 
EthCmd.RequestType = VR_DOWNLOAD to set the IP address 
EthCmd.Request  = VR_IPADDRESS; 
EthCmd.wValue   = 0; 
EthCmd.wIndex   = 0; 
EthCmd.wLength  = htons(4); 
EthCmd.bData    = contains 4 bytes of data indicating the IP   
                  address set on the send command. 
For the receive command four bytes of data are returned indicating the IP address. 
This packet permits sending of a single character or control character to the Turbo PMAC Ethernet port.  
The packet below is what is to be sent.  The data received is irrelevant; its purpose is to insure the sender's 
command was received. 
EthCmd.RequestType = VR_DOWNLOAD; 
EthCmd.Request     = VR_PMAC_SENDCTRLCHAR; 
EthCmd.wValue      = htons(outch);  // the character to write 
EthCmd.wIndex      = 0; 
EthCmd.bData       - Not Used 
This packet permits sending of a single byte or receiving of single byte through the Ethernet port to or 
from the CPU’s host port. 
To send data to the host port set the packet as follows.  After sending the packet the programmer must 
wait to receive 1 byte via the recv function before continuing. The data received is irrelevant; its purpose 
is to insure the sender’s command was received. 
EthCmd.RequestType = VR_DOWNLOAD; 
EthCmd.Request     = VR_PMAC_PORT;