Billion Electric Company BiGuard 30 Manual De Usuario

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Helper: You could also select the application type you would like to apply for 
automatic input. 
Click Apply to save your changes. 
For MAC Address: 
Source MAC Address: The source MAC Address of the device this rule applies to. 
Candidates: You can also select the Candidates which are referred from the ARP 
table for automatic input. 
Source Port Range: The range of source ports this rule applies to. 
Destination Port Range: The range of destination ports this rule applies to. 
Helper: You could also select the application type you would like to apply for 
automatic input. 
4.4.8  Virtual Server 
In TCP/IP and UDP networks, a port is a 16-bit number used to identify which 
application program (usually a server) incoming connections should be delivered to. 
Some ports have numbers that are pre-assigned to them by the Internet Assigned 
Numbers Authority (IANA), and these are referred to as "well-known ports". Servers 
follow the well-known port assignments so clients can locate them. 
If you wish to run a server on your network that can be accessed from the WAN (i.e. 
from other machines on the Internet that are outside your local network), or any 
application that can accept incoming connections (e.g. peer-to-peer applications) 
and are using NAT (Network Address Translation), then you will usually need to 
configure your router to forward these incoming connection attempts using specific