Borland Software Water System silk perforator java explorer 2006 release 2 Manual De Usuario

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SilkPerformer Java Explorer User Guide
2  S
Understanding Test Cases
Names of test cases are restricted. As they are mapped to Java methods and 
SilkPerformer transactions, they are subject to the restrictions of Java methods 
and SilkPerformer transaction names. Code exported to SilkPerformer cannot 
use keywords that are defined by BDL or Java. 
There are also names that cannot be used because Java Explorer scripts some 
variables when exporting to SilkPerformer Java Framework Projects; the names 
of these variables are also restricted:
"by", "do", "if", "in", "of", "or", "rc", "to", "all", "and", "bin", "chr", "dll", "end", "eos", 
"for", "mod", "not", "ord", "out", "ptr", "row", "set", "sql", "var", "use", "char", "drop", 
"else", "exit", "form", "from", "halt", "init", "into", "last", "long", "loop", "next", "proc", 
"rows", "then", "true", "user", "void", "wait", "array", "begin", "const", "false", "fetch", 
"float", "group", "inout", "order", "reset", "short", "throw", "union", "where",  "while", 
"write", "commit", "create", "cursor", "dclsql", "delete", "double", "elseif", "insert", 
"number", "result", "return", "rndbin", "rndind", "rndsno", "rndstr", "select", "sizeof", 
"stored", "string", "unique", "update", "values", "boolean", "dclform", "dclfunc", 
"dclrand", "dcluser", "dstring", "handler", "lenspec", "rndexpf", "rndexpn", "rndfile", 
"rndpern", "rndunii", "rndunif", "rndunin", "writeln", "database", "dclevent", "dcltrans", 
"dclparam", "explicit", "function", "optional", "rollback", "sizespec", "unsigned", 
"allownull", "benchmark", "rndstream", "transaction", "transactions", "com1", "com2", 
"com3", "com4", "com5", "com6", "com7", "com8", "com9", "lpt1", "lpt2", "lpt3", "lpt4", 
"lpt5", "lpt6", "lpt7", "lpt8", "lpt9", "con", "prn", "aux", "nul", "clock$" 
Test case properties
The following test case properties can be edited by selecting test cases in the 
Test Scenario pane and defining field values in the Output Data Properties pane:
StopAtError - You can define the number of errors that can occur during one test 
run cycle. When this number is reached, animated runs abort. If you define 0 
animated runs will not abort. 
CallCount - You can define the number of times that test cases are called during 
animated runs. This setting becomes the call count for transactions when 
exporting test scenarios to SilkPerformer. For example if you specify 3, a test 
case will be called 3 times in animated runs before the next test case is executed. 
Name - You can change the names of test cases. Names must be unique among 
all test cases .
Creating test cases 
You can create a test case via the context menu in the test scenario tree. Choose 
New and you will be prompted for the name of the new test case. The name of 
the test case must be unique among all test cases. 
Removing test cases 
You can remove a test case via the context menu in the test scenario tree. Choose 
Remove to remove a selected test case. Note that all currently applied test 
methods will also be removed!
The init and end test cases are special. They cannot be removed. Method calls 
must be removed individually.
You may not be able to delete a test case that contains a method call where a 
return value is stored in a global variable. The reason for this is that the variable 
may be in use by method calls in other test cases.