Proxim Tsunami MP.11 and MP.11a CPN 65755B Manual De Usuario

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Tsunami MP.11and MP.11a Installation and Management 
To transfer a file from the TFTP server to the MP.11/a: 
download <tftpserveraddress> <path and filename> <filetype> 
where <filetype> can be one of these four values: 
config - Configuration file, the current settings of the MP.11/a 
image - 
Image file, embedded software for the MP.11/a 
bootloader - 
Boot software 
license - 
License file 
To issue repeated operations, use the asterisk (*) character in place of the options: 
download * 
Previously used optional values for the download command is stored in TFTP parameters that you can 
view and change.  See the TFTP parameter table for details. 
Exit Command 
The quitdone, and exit commands are used to disconnect and close the current CLI session. 
Help Command 
Use the help command to view the specifics of certain commands or to view control-key sequences 
you can use to navigate the command line. 
To display how to navigate the command line using special keys: 
The following represents part of the displayed output: 
Special keys supported: 
Arrow Keys 
DEL, BS .... delete previous character 
Ctrl-A  .... go to beginning of line 
Ctrl-E  .... go to end of line 
Ctrl-F  .... go forward one character 
Ctrl-B  .... go backward one character 
Ctrl-D  .... delete current character 
Ctrl-U, X .. delete to beginning of line 
Ctrl-K  .... delete to end of line 
Ctrl-W ..... delete previous word 
Ctrl-T ..... transpose previous character 
Ctrl-P  .... go to previous line in history buffer 
Ctrl-N  .... go to next line in history buffer 
Tab     .... will attempt command completion 
?       .... will provide command listing 
For a description and example of  the specified command, enter: 
help <command name> or <command name> help 
Chapter 6.  Command Line Interface 
CPN 65755 
Issue Date:  August 2003