Black Box ET1000A Manual De Usuario

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Learning About Problems
EncrypTight User Guide
Always check the status of the PEPs in the Policy View after deploying policies, refreshing status, or 
renewing keys. All PEPs should show a Consistent indicator  . 
This section includes the following topics:
Policy Errors
Explanation and possible solutions
Policies are not executing as 
Check the policy priorities for uniqueness. Do not give multiple 
policies the same priority.
Check the policy priorities to make sure the relative ordering is 
correct. Policies are executed from highest to lowest priority.
Policy and network configuration in 
ETPM is not saved.
Data is not saved until you add at least one PEP in ETEMS. 
Follow the workflow outlined in the EncrypTight User Guide.
A policy deployment operation times 
out and the policies are marked with 
the yellow Pending indicator 
. If 
you then refresh status, all policies 
will be marked with the red 
Inconsistent indicator  . 
If you attempt to deploy a policy file to ETEP PEPs that is 
larger than the maximum size for the model, the ETEP PEP 
generates an error and rejects the policy file. The error is 
recorded in the ETKMS log file. However, ETPM does not 
detect the error. 
As a workaround, reduce the number of network sets or 
networks used in the policy and try to redeploy until all of the 
policies are marked with a green Consistent indicator. For 
more information about policies and the operational limits of 
ETEP PEPs, see the EncrypTight User Guide.
Policy deployment fails and ETPM 
displays the following message:
Failed to complete Deployment
The deployment operation failed on 
a ETKMS - connection timed out: 
This message appears when the ETKMS with the specified IP 
address cannot be reached. If you have a primary and a 
backup ETKMS, this error does not indicate that the overall 
policy deployment failed. If the failure is with the primary 
ETKMS, the backup ETKMS takes over policy and key 
deployment to the PEPs. If the failure is with the backup 
ETKMS, the primary ETKMS continues to deploy policies and 
keys to the PEPs.
Check the status indicator in the Policy view of the ETPM for 
all PEPs. If the status shows a   indicator, the PEPs received 
the appropriate policies and keys; otherwise, the PEPs did not 
receive the policies and keys and immediate action is required 
to prevent network outages.