Lucent Technologies merlin messaging system Manual De Usuario

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System Manager Responsibilities
The System Manager is responsible for performing the following routine maintenance tasks:
Maintaining Voice Mailboxes,
for example:
Adding and deleting voice mailboxes.
Resetting (initializing) voice mailbox passwords when forgotten.
Changing user's mailbox language.
Maintaining Transfer-Only, Automated Attendant and Fax Extensions.
Changing Automated Attendant Menus, Announcements and Line Assignments to
reflect changes in line assignment, personnel, company operations or company services.
Maintaining the Automated Attendant Schedule to assure that the appropriate
Automated Attendant menus and announcements are played in connection with holidays
and temporary company closings or openings.
Maintaining System Parameters to make system-wide changes (for example, changing
date and time, the Call Answer Service Operator extension or General Mailbox
Maintaining System Security by responding to user inquiries and by taking measures
to prevent toll fraud and to safeguard the contents of mailboxes.
Performing System Backups periodically or when changes are made to the MERLIN
Messaging System.
Maintaining Directory Listings to reflect changes in personnel.
Reviewing Configuration Reports to ensure that all system parameters, line
assignments, Automated Attendant menus and Announcements are current and correct.
More Support Roles
System Manager Responsibilities (Maintenance) [2/2/2000 2:34:18 PM]