VBrick Systems EtherneTV-NXG 1 Manual De Usuario

Página de 21
V B R I C K   E T H E R N E T - N X G   V O D   Q U I C K   S T A R T   G U I D E    
V E R S I O N   2 . 0 . 0 E  
C O P Y R I G H T   V B R I C K   S Y S T E M S  
P A G E   1 6  
J U N E   2 3 ,   2 0 0 4  
Browse Video Library  
This link provides direct access to the EtherneTV-NXG server for watching stored Video-On-
Demand files.  When the user 
accesses this page, the MCS server 
builds a web page of available 
videos on the EtherneTV-NXG 
server.  Simply clicking on the video 
will begin it playing in the preview 
window.   From this point you can 
click the Full Screen button on the 
player to go full screen (use the 
escape key to exit full screen), or 
click on Launch External Player to 
launch a separate player window 
that can be moved or resized.   
VoD video allows full VCR/DVD-like 
Play, Pause, Stop, Fast Forward, 
Rewind, and Seek functionality.
Scheduled Programs  
Scheduled Programs displays content scheduled to be shown at a particular date and time.  
The content can be live streams from a 
VBrick encoder or stored files multicast 
from the EtherneTV Video on Demand 
NXG server.  
To access the Scheduled Programs 
page, select the Menu button from any 
page and select Scheduled Programs.  
Scheduled programs that are currently 
playing will display a Now Playing 
message and can be played directly 
from the Scheduled Programs page.  
NOTE:  Programs in the process 
of being played are also displayed 
in the Live Video selection. 
 Fast forward and rewind available for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 only.  Seeking is available for all formats. 
EtherneTV-MCS Version 1.0.0 
Version 2.0.0 appears slightly different 
EtherneTV-MCS Version 1.0.0 
Version 2.0.0 appears slightly different